---Download the Shihuruville Trilogy here---! Shihuruville Trilogy (Map Pack) ---Download the REQUIRED gametype here---: T-Virus Alpha Map: Foundry Gametype: Infection Description: The T-Virus . Created by the Traxus Corporation, It wiped out the entire town of Shihuruville . The army wasn't able to stop the already infected victims. The last surviving soldiers are located at the Traxus Corporation military base . The armory is low on ammo, so you must think wisely about how you use your weapons. Teamwork also plays a role here in this horror story. If your left alone you WILL DIE . Never, ever stand in an alleyway by yourself or a horde a zombie will do this to you. The Zombies are very deadly in alleyways, so avoid them if necessary.There are lots of stuff you can use to help you out through your hectic night. Such as boobie traps . Some trucks holds explosive barrels that also acts as a boobie trap. Eventually you will waste out of ammo, and you won't be able to go back into the military base to get ammo, because in 2 minutes the gate to the base will close. But you can find some weapons dropped by other soldiers. They might not have a lot of ammo in them, but at least it'll do. There is a blockade some where that has a couple weapons left behind, to get to this blockade you have to get through the abandoned industrial yard, but there is also a much safer secret passage wat to get to the blockade as well. The residential buildings of Shihuruville also provides some protection from the undead. They also store extra things too. Utilizing rooftops can also be an effective tool. The only factory in Shihuruville has the greatest protection. Camping here will allow you to rest up and fend off the infectionous victims. All because of this lab the town of Shihuruville will never return to peace. ScreenShots: The Town of Shihuruville Traxus Co. Base Fighting from the rooftops Traxus Co. Military personnel Armoury Traxus Co. T-Virus Lab Residential building Abandoned Industrial Yard 2 zombies trying to get into the Traxus Co. Base Army Blockade Soldier Spawn: In the opposite room of armoury Soldier Spawn: *No actually forced colours, this was a new round* Secret alleyway ---See the difference with No Budget Maps!--- Original Shihuruville Shihuruville: The Remake ---PLEASE RATE, COMMENT, AND OF COURSE DOWNLOAD!!!---
i downloaded all of the other ones, but i'm over infection, either way, these maps are really fun to play on, and it feels like a city, you never know where the sombies are coming from, these maps are classics, nice job.
Thx, im really glad you like them, but unlike you, im a huge fan of infection games. I don't what type of infection game it is, i still find them fun, especially the ones where you gotta roam around the map to survive, you those adventure types like shihuruville....
OMJ! im tired of people telling me that my maps need a little more interlocking. When!?! since when was interlocking required in a map, maps can still be good without it....
its not required, but it is aesthetically pleasing. this looks kool, and for me shines out of the other city zombie maps. well done
You've done it again Shihuru. This remake once very much needed, The original shihuruville wasn't built with a Infinite budget map, but this one was, and it looks so much better, plus you some new features as well. And you fixed the zombie spawn killing human thing by placing the wall of barriers, great job!
I know, i thought by adding in the wall it'll make things more suspensful, and a little more gameplay for the soldiers.
I know, when me, my bro, and his friends were playing it, it got kinda scary, just seeing energy swords poking out from the swords. But we had to do something, so Derrick, my bro's friend, decided to blow up the truck with the fusion coils, and it knock down the wall, and then it was every man for himself...Lots of though!
pretty cool, i like how it was made. looks to play a fun infection. there are alot of hiding places i saw and lots of stratigies to use.
There is a group called "Lower the Guns" or something that wants to try to get everyone not to play Halo 3 on 9/25 because they want Bungie to allow the lowering of guns in Xbox Live, which will help machinima makers make machinima with other people online. And, good map, played it and it was fun.
Wow it looks like the original, but you can totally see that it is different. your becoming one of my favorite forgers shihuru...
It is a bit late so i dcan't test it out right now, but it looks really solid. INTERLOCKING SHOULD ONLY BE USED WHEN NESCESSARY! I'll download!
The download links are a little confusing, by that, i mean that I didn't know which of the 4 was this one. Nice job though, I D/Led, I'll play on it sometime today probably. 4/5 on the remade version I hope I D/Led.