This map pack contains 3 foundry maps. Front line, Storage racks, and Shooting center. Front line Map variant- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Front line is a symmetrical map with a red base and a blue base. It is ment for a large team slayer game (letting u use your games). This map's red base is where you can find all of the covenant weapons and vehicles (besides the rocket launcher). Weapons: Plasma rifle x 2, Plasma pistol x 2, Spiker x 2, Carbine x 1, Brute shot x 1, Needler x 1, Fuel rod cannon x 1, Sentiel beam x 1, Rocket launcher x 1 Equipment: Plasma grenades x 4, Spike grenades x 2, Radar gammer x 1, grav lift x 1 regenerator x 1, deployable cover x 1, overshield x 1 Vehicles: Ghost x 1, Chopper x 1 This base has a small crawl space where the plasma rifles and the radar gammer. its equipment room has the overshield with 2 plasma grenades, 2 plasma pistols, and a carbine. The base also has a machine gun turret and a plasma cannon. This map has one door way to the blue witch is through the center tunnle. Inside the tunnle there is a energy sword. Also a 2-way telly that sends you to the sniping box above the tunnle. The snipe box has a sniper rifle, a beam rifle, a flame thrower, and 2 firebomb grenades. If you get on top of the tunnle there is a spartan laser and a gravity hammer. Blue base is almost the same but with UNSC weapons and vehicles. Weapons: SMG x 2, Minagnum x 2, Mauler x 2, Battle rifle x 1, brute shot x 1, Shotgun x 1, Fuel rod cannon x 1, Assault rifle x 1, Rocket launcher x 1 Equipment: Frag grenade x 4, spike grenade x 2, power drain x 1, Trip mine x 1, bubble shield x 1, Flair x 1, active camo x 1 Vehicles: Mongoose x 1, Warthog x 1 This base's equipment room is the same just with opposite weapons. It has 2 frag grenades, 2 minagnums, a battle rifle, and an active camo. Its crawl space is also still there but with 2 SMGs and a power drain. Turrets are still in pace as well. Storage racks Map variant- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This is a old storage site now used as an infection battle ground. This is a very small map for 9 players only. A weapon room, a small arms room, and a central hall are the only 3 rooms on the map. The weapons room has a lode of UNSC weapons. This is where humans should load up since there are no other weapons on the map. When entering the central hall, get to the top of the stairs and turn around. A palate covering a hole with a gravity hammer is an ambush hole. The central hall has an active fusion coil storage. You can crawl under the fenced wall and get into the down crate storage. Another good ambush zone. This "hall" also has a turret in it. The small arms room has 2 plasma grenades, a spiker, and a mongoose. The zombie starts here. Shooting center Map variant- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Shooting center is a big, bloody, hell hole. A flood monster feeds hear on prisoners. The first floor is where all of the fire will start. Here if where the zombie starts. A pair of barriers with a turret sits in the middle of the room and in the back of the room is another turret. A hallway to the right leads to a room with 2 energy swords, 2 gravity hammers, and a flame thrower. Turn right again and you find a warthog with an overshiled and an active camo. In the main room turn left to go to the firs hallway. Every hallway has a plasma cannon before the stairs. The second room is a good place for sniping. 4 sniper rifles and 4 rocket launchers are in this room. You can use the windows to protect your self. Go through the next hallway and find another plasma cannon, Stairs and then a ledge with 4 beam rifles, 4 fuel rod cannons, and a machine gun turret. Its just a big open ledge with weapons. Again hallway, plasma cannon, stairs. The last floor is a small ledge with a pile of grenades, 2 snipers, 1 beam rifle, 1 rocket launcher, and a turret. If you can get on one of the side walls you can get to some extra stuff. There is a tunnle bridge with a spartan laser in it. On the other side of the tunnle you can go left to get to a barrier with a rocket launcher and a fuel rod cannon. Go right to get to a ledge with windows and snipers. There is also a telly. that goes up to the fourth floor. I hope you like my maps. GO HALO 3
You need to embed your pics on a photo hosting site like photobucket. Please do it soon so it doesnt get locked but the maps sound really cool.
The pictures arn't working becuase you have to embed them on a image-hosting site(photobucket, imageshack, ect.). To do this: -Go to -Find your screenshot -Right click and do "Save as"(Somename like that, some computers are different) -Go to image shack) and make an account -Upload the images -Copy the "Direct Link" under the image you uploaded -In your post click the Mountains and a Moon button on the toolbar -Enter "Direct Link" -Your Done! (P.S. This is all based of
The storage racks are a big noob mistake that occurs quite frequently... No one likes weapon staches! Also a simple thing you could do on frontline is turn the bridges upsidedown. The little rails at the ends have door like physics and automaticly interlock and it will look like you interlocked them. It's a cheap trick but it works and makes the map look more professional... Decent job so far. Welcome to ForgeHub!
The rooms with the containers you should definitely turn them upside down and interlocked them. Its really annoying trying to walk on the containers when they are rightside up...
These maps are...ok. It could be a bit better with more interlocking and just making stuff neater. Armorys also aren't that great either. So overall, it is average. 3/5.
I will have to disagree with anyone who says armories aren't cool. As long as the forger does not add to many power-weapons, armories are okay.