Since Dizfunkys' relationship with Mallet didnt work out -ended in divorce and Mallet took the kids- He has decided to start up shop with me. We are both quite skilled in the art of 'tags' and will work to the full of our extent to provide you hubbers with the proper signatures to make you cool with your friends. All we ask in return is -rep- that you follow our guidelines and use our request form to help us further our ability to deliver the signatures you want. If you do not like the sigs we make you, request another. But after three strikes, youre out! OMG, now we haz teh Vinny, and teh Turbo! *Attention: Vinny is now doing wallpapers. REQUEST FORM Style: Render/Stock: -provide link- Color Scheme: Text: EXAMPLES -------------------------------Diz------------------------------ ------------------------------Fresh------------------------------ -------------------------------Vinny----------------------------- ------------------------------Turbo------------------------------
I cant put it in my sig because it keeps saying the remote file is too large. Im like OMGWTFangryface
Yes first request! Anyway... Style: Abstract and swirly... kind of like the house one in this thread. Render:Planet Renders // Renders - Anime/Manga Renders/Mewtwo Colors: Blue, Red, White (Glowing swirls on black) Text: Two is better than one...
Style: Abstractish? I don't know. Render/Stock: Hancock Color Scheme: Let's say dark yellowish. Text: SAVExTHExWHALES G o o d L u c k !
Diz, you need to call requests. 2 people working on one will slow us down. Ill have the other done soon.