Interlocking Vertically

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LittleLordSissy, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. LittleLordSissy

    LittleLordSissy Ancient
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    I sort of know how to do this..but whenever i turns out sloppy and its never as clean as horizontal interlocking please give me some tips..thank you pictures or a video would be extrodinary....thanks....
  2. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Vertically...what exactly are you talking about? Do you mean putting the boxes so they're standing upright like a tree instead of on the ground like a log? Or do you mean having one box interlocked with another in such a way that it is making it look like nothing more than a really tall box?

    For the first, all I can say to you is that you should eyeball it as best as possible, myabe use guides if you're comfortable with them. For the second, try placing the floating object first, and then the bottom one. That's how I did it for the geomerged double boxes that were interlocked with the open double boxes on Circulation (link in signature...).
    LittleLordSissy likes this.
  3. LittleLordSissy

    LittleLordSissy Ancient
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    i mean like a box on top of a box going up...and i want to make it seemless...
  4. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    ok, well first, put the first box standing up, and put a wall on top of it. them put another box, or a double wall against it, then make the box not spawn at the start, and then start a new round.
    immediately put another exactly below the first one, save (save and quit method) and then end the game
    start the game again, and do the same thing.
    next game, delete the top two walls so only the bottom one is left, and then put the box up ontop of the wall, and against the guide. delete the guide, and wait for the box to spawn!!! WOOHOO AWESOME INTERLOCKING
  5. LittleLordSissy

    LittleLordSissy Ancient
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    i dont understand...standing up how? if you put the wall on top wouldnt that stop it from interlocking...your wording just confuses me a little bit..
  6. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    no, just put wall on top of the box, then do what i said, put the 2 walls directly underneath it, delete the 2 top ones, put the box ontop of the wall, delete the wall. understand??? the walls make it a little lower
  7. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    ok, just stack them, then set the bottom on to not respawn, then start a new round, and place a wall underneath the top one, and save and quit. restart the game, and put another wall below the first, save and quit, now getrid of the top wall, and plabe the box on the bottom wall. then delete the wall, have the bottom box respawn, and walah, vertical interlocking.
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I've found that vertically placed guides are the best way to do a vertical interlock like this one.

    Take the bottom box you want to interlock, and push a guide up against the side of it so that some of the guide is higher than the top of the box like this:

    Then do the same thing on another side of the box, but not the opposite side, so you have two guides forming a corner, like this:

    Then place the top box you want to interlock on top (I used a single box here), pushing it into the corner formed by the two guides, like this:

    Then set the bottom box not to spawn and start a new round so that the top box is floating like this:

    Then pick up the single box and move it lower down, but still pushed into the corner made by the guides. Get it to the height you want it, save the game, then quit:

    When you spawn the first box back in, the top one should be interlocked smoothly:

    Hope this helps.
  9. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    I used to find this hard too. Now I use guides, usually bridges on three sides, with a thin space inbetween (so you can get the box in). It takes time, but it's basically seamless and always reliable.

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