Hey guys... I may not be new to forge but a new website always poses new problems for me (especially forums). I infact have made a signature but since I made it on MSPaint (haha! yes i made it on paint) I didnt remember to follow the constraints of the Signature file sizes and its too large... If someone is willing to either make me a new one (i dont care as long as its not super cliche) or make my already existing one smaller ill put up the Link and i hope you dont kill me cuz i are a nub...
UGH GOD WHAT IS THAT? That signature is disgusting. Expect a new one from me and DizFunky. Actually, just expect from DizFunky. Coat check is down the hall to the right. Good day.
Well dude, I do like Scout armor and flashy, fiery things. So if you can come up with something (im sure you can ) Please make it with lots and lots of explosions...
Dizfunky you did a great job on those. I preffer the color one though since the effect is kind of lost in black and white.
Yeah! Dude, thanks this is the best one I've seen with Scout! (super bias) Thanks for saving me the embarrasment of a MSPaint made Sig