Map Story: F-118 Agis Fate ETA 20min... as humanity fights the Covenant invasion forces. The last line of defense for the planet is an array of magnetic accelerator cannons (MACs) orbiting the planet. The Master Chief sends a team of Spartans to the surface of Reach to protect the MAC's planet-based power generators. Ultimately, the Covenant are able to destroy the generators and begin glassing the planet, melting its surface to just what a "Mist." The surviving Spartans flee underground to the hidden headquarters of the Office Of Naval Intelligence. There they meet Dr. Hasly who has uncovered a strange crystalline shard in a cavern built by the ancient Forerunner Pursued by the Covenant, the Spartans retrieve the shard and collapse the passage behind them. The Map Contains: Interlocked items: SingalBox 1x Stairs 2x Doors 8x Barriers 2x Guns: Sniper Rifle 4x Shot Guns 4x Rocket Launcher 1x Flame Thrower 1x Items On Map: SingalBox 1x Stairs 2x Doors 8x Barriers 2x Crate 1x Berrals 4x Pellet 2x Pics: Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing GameType:\ : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
its hard to see the map, and some of the pictures arent working. dont use all special pictures to show a map, i cant see them. it sound nice from the story though. try fixing it up. well after reading a little more the bottom of the description says it includes only a very few items. whats with that? try forging a little more.
The map is supposed to be that way. that's why it's called "The Mist". The make tried really hard on this map and made it so it looked like the map is "Misty". Gameplay/Aestetics 4.52/5
Yeah, when I see the map, I'll rate it right here ?/5. You're story is a bit off though, close to cannon, but not exact. I know you tried, but look back at some of the books.