1. Gears of war 2 Why? Because its gears of war 2!Also of its sick graphics, awesome campaign, horde, and the new executions. Gears of war 2 trailer Gears of war 2 executions Gears of war 2 executions cont. 2.Left 4 Dead Why?Because its the most advanced zombie survival game ever out!Its a campaign game with 5 people co-op and you go around a city doing checkpoints while hundreds of zombies are running at you!Also if you stay in a room/building to long they break through the walls,now how badass is that? Left 4 dead trailer Left 4 dead walkthrough 3.Fable 2!!! Why?Because its the most advanced an funnest rpg in the world!All of its new functions like the dog, real life likeness, own world, open to friends, etc. Fable 2 info Fable 2 trailer Fable 2 Co-op Demonstration Part 1 out of 2 Fable 2 Co-op Demonstration Part 2 out of 2 Fable 2 dog system 3.Fallout 3 Why?Because it was made by the makers of Oblivion!Also beause it has an awesome story/plot and good graphics.It looks really fun by the videos. Fallout 3 trailer Fallout 3 walkthrough 4.Dead space Why?Because its the most scariest game ever created!Your on a broken ship with 37,000 mutated workers. Dead space Trailer The trailer says it all! 5.Rock band 2 Why?Because rock band was awesome and know theirs a 2nd! Rock band 2 trailer 6.Guitar hero 4 why?Because all the other guitar heros are epic and now they have drums. Guitar hero 4 trailer 7.Farcry 2 Why?Because of its map editor!!Its the best map editor for 360 and computer in my opinion! Farcry 2 trailer Every possible detail about it ________________________________________________________________ Well those are all the games i want this year.Feel free to look at the games and post which one you like or whatever you want.
-Where's the other two thousand and one games? jk but the games I'd want the most this years would be: ---- -Fallout 3 -LittleBigPlanet -Killzone 2 -Farcry 2 -Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Balls
Idk. Spore looks pretty awesome because it's a pretty sweet sandbox. The Force: Unleashed is also freaking awesome. I can't think of the others off the top of my head. Too Human is gonna be pretty sweet, or so i've heard.
they were all released to late in the year, and that means less purchases, arent these guys supposed to be smart????? games usually mean kids or teenagers, and kids and teenagers equal low amounts of money, which will result in not to many purchases. HELLO! besides, if they were releasing it for the holidays, still bad idea, people dont get that much for the holidays.... games that i want too, gears of war 2 fable 2 far cry 2 rock band 2 (whats with all the 2s?) guitar hero 4 (there we go!) ........thats it....
i hate all of those games, u smell bad Im sorry THESE GAMES ARE FOR NOOBS, gears of war 2 doesnt have fps so it fails
i agree with gears of war 2 and fable 2, but what about starwars the force unleashed, ghostbusters, mirrors edge and i cnt think of nemore off the top off my head, but i wanna get about 6 great games that are coming out soon =) ive seen the trailer of dead space on xbox live, and it looks ultimately scary, if i do play it, it will be during the day.... with a friend... or 6 lol
not to mention 2 bars of neg rep. oh yeah all of those are good. i forgot mirrors edge. Mirrors edge kinda seems like a modern, first-person Assassin's Creed. And Assassin's Creed kicked ass. hopefully the original ideas will play well.
'Tis? sweet. can't wait to check it out. they've been talking a lot about the use of the force, using both sticks, for complete object manipulation. i just can't wait to try that out.
both sticks, total control, i havnt heard nothin bout that, that is gonna be sweet, what could be better than smashing a stormtrooper into the ground with a tie fighter that has just flown overhead? nothing, sweet =)
Saints row 2 (GTA4 killer) Official website Farcry 2 (Epic map maker, physics, and looks like to be a African version of cod4) Fable 2 (Never played the original but hearing about it got my hyped for the second 1) Gears of War 2 (Sucked at the first one because of shotty whores, but all my friends will probably buy it) Call Of Duty World at War (Not planning on buying it but if it's good and it ends up being popular like cod4 then I will buy.)
The list of games that I want in this order: 1. Gears of War 2 2. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 3. Resident Evil 5 4. Fable II 5. Call of Duty: World at War 6. Far Cry 2 7. Fallout 3 8. Infinite Undiscovery 9. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames 10. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
I have pre-ordered Gears of War 2 and Left 4 Dead which are going to be awesome games like a year before they release because I am that excited about the two games that will surely be the best games of 2008 IMO!
Yeehaa. Lets see. 1. Far Cry 2 2. Spore (Getting new comp + Comcast setting up new highspeed like feet from my house.) 3. Fallout 3 4. Call of Duty: World at War 5. Gears 2 6. Zoids Assault 7. Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon 8. Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise