Fuzzyiweener Created By Pheonix Boom Edited By Sgt El Zilcho 5 - 16 Players Recomended This is a map that is a tube with blocks that the humans have to get past to escape the Phat Kid. The Phat Kid has to Catch them and eat them for making fun of him, turning them into ghosts working for him to kill the rest of them. Some people have survived the Phat Kid by hitting him from behind and knocking him on his front, and because he can't get up again so he goes back to the start to try and get the Humans again Game Specifications: Humans spawn at the opposite end of the main foundry hallway from the Phat Kid Phat Kid spawns at the opposite end of the main foundry hallway from the Humans 3 Rounds (10 minutes each) Phat Kid walks slow and can't jump high Humans Can't see him on radar unless he grav hammer jumps Phat Kid can only be assassinated. Humans are equipped with a Brute shot (for knoking down Blocks) and a sword Other weapons are on the floor at the start such as Grav Hammer and Fule Rods Phat Kid gets 1 point per kill Humas get 1 point for assasinating the Phat Kid or killing the ghosts Pictures I'm comming to get ya little Jonny The first block Run! To close for comfort If you would like some more pictures I will add them. Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing P.S this is my first post on forge hub if you have any tips on how to make my posts better please tell me as long as it's constructive critisism, not a rage at how bad my grammer or spelling is, Thank you.
the name is weird and the pics need to be enlarged. click on them again and copy those to embed properly. -Edit now that it is fixed it does look alot like omega journy, and sorry to say i despise fat kid. but the map was made out. 3/5
Hey i just made my 1st post 2day , in my opinion you should use photobucket for the image hosting{makes ur pictures appear bigger lol} ... can't see much of the map tho =/ more pics plz xD
Wait wait wait a minute! This looks exactly like Omega Journy, only with the fat kid variant. Even if you did it yourself I have seen this type of map countless times and Omega Journey played with Infectotron is the best one hands down. 2.5/5 for unoriginality, however that changes to a 1/5 if it is a copy.
thanks for the tips but I've never played or heard of Omega Journey before so in my eyes this isn't a copy but there may be other maps like this also I'll have some more screensots on the way
it looks very similar to omega journey but mayb its not but thanks to omega journey im not dl ur map bcuz i hate journey maps its a killer 4 zombies
dl and see if it's omega journey before you report it, if it is then I'm gonna kill my friend coz he said it was his, and said I could put it up on forge hub as long as I made it so the humans couldn't camp the zombies, which I did.
Trust me it's omega journey the only thing different is the turret in the first part, but I am 100 percent sure that this is omega journey made by brno21.
I see alot of things wrong with this. First, it is a rip off of Omega Journey. Second, It is poorly made. Thirs, the name is against the rules and very immature. And fourth, only little kids like fat kid. Sorry bu this is a 1/5, be more original next time please.
i have seen this before. infact my friend made it he based it of omega journey and he called it long way home. you did not make this i know.
Yeah, I looked, this is Omega Journey. You get 0/5 for not being your map. Plagariasm is completely unnacceptable here at Forgehub. I detest Fat Kid as well.