This is an image from a game me and a friend made ages back up behind guardian. It all in my fileshare - BlackOut99 if anyone is interested in the map/gametype. Anyway, Behold!
Holy crap. I mean, I know it's an easy picture to setup but still, no one has done this that I know of. Your signature say it all: -simple.
Wow that looks epic! I like the screenshot and i know its simple but no one has ever done it! Must of taken a while! =]
Actually, its just action from a game a friend and I made a while back. Basically a guy who I had teamed up with for a few games invited me to join his game, and it was on guardian and we were messing with teleporters, just putting them in places that were hard to get to (like some tree branches or on top of the center bit). Eventually we got behind the map somehow and got stuck in this little part that was kinda glitch, but kept spawning us there. We made a little gametype for it (i think less damage resistance, I cant really remember) and then it turned into 16 players in a small tiny area with shotguns and a turret blasting the crap out of each other. =P Its in my file share, I guess I'll add it to the mini-game forum once i check out the settings and stuff so that I can post it.
This looks awesome! Looks very hectic and it is littered with spartan bodies lol nice job! Very original and pretty creative, and also very colorful lol with the armor! 5/5