bunker! (Edit:minor modification such as removing all pallets from the walls, for estetik reasons) History of this map: My litle brothers made a map that I found just allright but they didint seem to agree with my opinion and chalanged me to make a better map. Accepting the chalange I started my project by placing random double box's interlocked in one an other. The result was satisfying so i decided to build a map around those 3 box's. Note: This is my very first forge map that i have build seriously and I would appreciate every bit of advice from you guys . Description: The UNSC Outpost 801 is being Attacted by the Convenant that whant to push through the Human Frontline. The convenant use a Booby trapped semi-truck to breach the gateway. The Humans suprised by the attack must now defend the base from the Convenant . The base is only fully captured once The Gateway, the guard platorm and the Bunker are Captured. The Gateway is breached, the Convenant's are attacking. Shoot as much as you whant, the 6 inches wall will protect u from bullets... But not from fire ^_^ The Bunker Entrance and start point for the defenders. Stairs leading to the roof The roof ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WATCH OUT FOR TRAPS Spartan:lolololol i gotz cover to reload.^_^ Spartan: OH S**T (X__X) Spawning area of the attackers. Game mode suported: Slayer Team slayer One bomb(assault) One Flag Territories 001(20 sec capture time for each territory) EDIT: This is my 1st post EVER on Forgehug or any other forum, plz be kind to inform me of any mistakes I did. Oh and English is not my 1st language I hope i did not make to many mistakes -__-. Hope you enjoy my map Download found at this link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Wrong discritpion for the download lol, just ignore it
Hey this is very good for your first post, good job getting the pictures to work, and making a pretty cool looking map. It is a bit sloppy, but you did use interlocking, which is good. Great first post, and welcome to forgehub.
Agreed! Great fist post! Nice Job getting the pictures to work! The map looks really fun for assault IMO because of the bunker, the defenders should guard the bunker while the attackers are trying to plant the bomb in the bunker that would be really cool! Really nice map! 5/5!
can't get on my box at the moment but from the pics it look really fun. the big truck is really cool, never seen that before great job, and welcome to forgehub!
wow this looks really good but you spelt want wrong you put whant lol dont worry i cant spell either but as for the map this looks really cool and a nice idea well done on it
i really like this map. its a big slap in the face for those who only play the normal boxy maps. its very nice and different for a change. 5/5 (and i actually voted)
Phenomenal first post man, very nice getting it right, almost nobody does. The map is great, love the truck (Tell your friend I said hi!), love the cool thing with the stairs. I suggest you completely redo the entrance and defender spawn, it looks incredibly sloppy on the outside. You used interlocking, but not in a very coherent fashion. I love the traps and the lolspartan you made. Very nice, semi-neat, unoriginal in most aspects, but awesome. 4/5, great job dude. Edit: this doesn't change the score I gave you, but with only one way into the base the attackers are at a bit of a disadvantage. You might want to add multiple entrypoints.
lmao i now the bunker dosn't look great i jsut coulden't get the roof right, oh well thx for the advice i RLLy appreciate it