When daylight falls to the wrath of night, this warehouse dawns a new look... Bungie.net Link Rate, comment, Download, tell me what you think! Thanks!
At first I thought this was a map. Sorry. I was freaking out thinking of all the cool infection maps I could make. 5/5 for the picture though.
actually, what i did was this: 1) have host turn into moniter and spawn a grav hammer. 2) have client be ready to pick up Grav Hammer. 3) at the EXACT same time, moniter and human pick up Hammer. 4) Host spin the Hammer until the human's arms shoot off, then turn into human. 5) have the human swing the hammer. 6) watch in slow-mo and take a screenshot! I had some other pic of a firebomb in mid-flight with this effect on, and it looked awesome! but it's not on my File Share... too bad... lol
Dude that is EPIC. I love how you made it seem like it turned night. Just wondering, how did you do this? EDIT: You answered my question. Good rep for you. Yay! I got you out of negative rep!
Who turned the lights out, Ah zombie! lol Nice Job that would be cool if those color orbs were in foundry for forging lol
Same I was thinking of the great maps that I could make in a Dark Foundry for infection! Really Original! Great Job! 5/5!