Haha did you make that, looks nice. Very clean to, at least it wasnt on sandtrap (which is getting old )
You can see the similarity! But, srsly, that is awesomely epic. I love how its like cartoonized. Do you have diabeetus? lol 5/5
funny stuff.......nice art, i could never make a screen like that lol.Also it looks just like the guy in the commercial. your a very good artist you know.
Wow great weapon drawing. The face looks cartoony, which is cool too. The resemblance between him and the cat is scary though... Final Score: 5/5
Lol, that looks really cool. I love weapon drawings and that one is pretty good. The words are beautiful.
Man all your weapon arts are perfect with no mistakes! You should keep making things and posting here! I'll be more then happy to see them! +rep too great job!