This is what we get for featuring a bunch of competitive maps instead of some more mini-games, people are used to the competitive-ness of the maps and thus complain when a mini-game comes around. We need some more people to make good mini games to feature. I personally haven't played this map yet but it looks fun.
if you want to make a sequel to this map, you should think of remaking this game on rats nest, section off an area from where rockets spawn to where the ghost spawns and make a similar set up to this one. that would allow you to push the zombies back until they fall off the cliff, then the humans would be able to score kills as well. Just a thought.
This is a cool version i have played a game very similar to this. It was called something along the line of "long journey" I can't remember. But this looks like it would be a little more fun that the other one. Props to you my friend I will definitely download.
man o man do i love playing on this map.....i hve a great time every time 5/5 my new favorite minigame
Wow a mini-game /infection map i can really have fun with and enjoy. Great map idea! maybe you could interlock the side or make it a little bigger if you are making a v2.
WOW, I've been waiting for this to get featured. It is original, aesthetic, fun, and competitive! This might be one of the biggest infection hits since fat kid! 6/5 Keep Forging!
Oh yeh! You told me this was going to be featured! It is an excellant minigame definately deserves this feature. Never seen anything like it. Congrats on a 3rd map featured! Most people can't evan get one!
Personally I don't really care for this one, I mean correct me if i'm wrong but all the zombies do the whole game is to press forward on their control stick as the humans just constantly nail them with needles? Not to mention as was already previously stated in a post, shooting the zombie does not increase your chances of winning it just delays the moment at which the zombie kills you all at random.
Agreed this map is awesome, I as well love playing on this map for infection it is a great minigame! Great Job! One of the best minigames out there! 5/5!
It has a great design, very original. But it seems too boring to me. When playing it, you would be extremely slow getting pelted by needlers, or standing there holding R.
First off Purple Bunker is the worst map i have ever played on. WoW so kool going and killing purple people. 2/10