This is a cool pic i got that WASN'T staged. i thought it looked pretty cool, tell me what you think. How To: All you have to do is stick a guy who is on a turret, and make sure friendly fire is off so you dont kill him. (not sure yet if you even need the turret)
Woah dude you will have to try that out with the guy doing other stuff, that is cool. It looks like the final boss from Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Wii.
The blue guy and explosion is great and i don't see much point in the turret but it looks cool! Nice job!
yeah im sure it will work without the turret. it is a really cool effect, i'll have to try it out with some other stuff
It looks really nice and I'm glad you gave a tut. too. Now I'm gonna steal your Idea and make wonderful brain babys all over this picture!!! (I don't know what I just said either)