It is very simple. I had the elites stand on platforms way up in the air and in front of the warthogs and scorpion tank. After that I deleted the platforms keeping them suspended in the air. Then I aligned the camera to make them look HUGE.
haha great screenshot! im not very good at this kinda stuff, so i like to see what other ppl do. so this is called perspective?
at first i didn't get this because i understood how it was done it was only after looking again that i realised what you were getting at and it is genius very nice indeed probably the best perspective shot so far and is now my desktop i like your avatar as well is it posted if you have more please post
This ones great! I love how they are floating but I think it's just that what ruins the awesome potential in the idea of this pic. But I respect you got alot of people together to make this.
This is a really cool perspective screenshot. It is definitely not Photoshopped; he had people stand on a double box then deleted it and too the shot with the floating people in front and the others farther away. It is very nicely done, looks good!
LoL it wasn't THAT simple. The elites were at different heights to get a better GIANT effect. I had to make multiple floating barricades for each individual elite. AND to get the weapons they were holding, I had weapons fall from above the shot (so the tear-drop shaped spawn points weren't showing) before I deleted the platforms they were standing on.
OMGWTFBBQ. Awesome, very good picture. I know how you did it and i am still amazed. Couldn't you have made the weapons just spawn somewhere else had the elites pick them up, then stand on the platform, and then go through with the deleting? Just a question.
Woah dude that is really cool. It is as if they are trying to take down giant elites. 5/5 and good rep for you.
Nice use of perspective dude! It looks like it would be very hard to do this kind of screen shot but you pulled it off! Really nice job! 5/5!