Strategic Retreat

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Evil J3bus, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. Evil J3bus

    Evil J3bus Ancient
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    Right, so here it is, my first map to be uploaded to
    It is an infection map called Strategic Retreat. It is named Strategic Ret. on Halo and the Bungie forums and Strategic Retreat is too big a word.
    The map is on foundry and effectively uses all of Foundry's ground space.
    I will talk you through the map with each screenshot as there are many showing almost all parts of the map. Enjoy!:

    So this is where the humans will spawn at the start of evry round. It is completely empty as the fighting shouldn't happen for a while yet. The window is blocked so you must turn out into the corridor.

    Upon reaching the corridor you will have a visual on the zombies through the shield door. You are protected, for now. Turn right through the open door into the main part of foundry. You will not want to fight the zombies yet as the gametype that I have also designed for this game (and recomend you use) starts humans with magnums and the alpha zombies with battle rifles, overshields and damge resistance. But as the apha zombies have 50% you have time enough to get away and find some superior firepower.

    Once outside i would recomend running through the open doors in the middle of the map as these will "close" after 30 seconds. The turrets placed on the balcony are not for human use, these are for the alpha zombies, giving them the ability to mop up any human stragglers who didn't proceed through the wall.
    An overveiw of the first section of the map.

    You must run through these open "doors" within 30 seconds or walls will merge within them locking you out.

    For any stragglers who didn't make it through the wall in time (this is quite unlikely) at 45 seconds in, the warthog will spawn, which might keep you alive for a short amount of time. The zombies route over the wall (stairs and tunnel) will spawn after 60 seconds.

    But by this time however, the humans should have suited up and prepared a defense in the armoury (second section of the map)...

    Under the zombie's tunnel, you may have noticed a small pile of fusion coils and 2 grav lifts. These act as a switch that the humans can use to their advantage by destroying them causing falling fusion coils to spawn on the attacking zombies...

    This man cannon will spawn with the armoury after a length of time allowing you to access the next section.

    Heres 2 overveiws of the final main section, where the humans can make a final stand:

    And Finally, this is the last room. The one way teleport will lead to the zombie spawn corridor for a "blue room" type of fight at the end as the any spawning zombies will become locked in their corridor after the 180 seconds mark. Also in the gametype each round lasts 4 minutes. I did this because i personaly do not enjoy infection games that reach a stalemate and go on for stupid amounts of time. however i do appreciate that some peoples taste's will favour this type of play so all that needs to be done to the map in forge to stop the zombies becoming locked in, is to delete the 2 man cannons that spawn in the middle of the back corridor and change the round time limit to unlimited.

    To download Strategic Retreat(map): : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    To download Suit Up(gametype) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    Bearing in mind that this is my first map post o all comments, posotive and negative appreaciated, thanks.
  2. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    great first map..i love how you used timed map events and interlocking in it. my only worry is that 30 seconds may not be enough time for everyone to get through those walls. i havent played it yet though so i dunno 3.5/5
  3. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Looks like an Ok map, 3.5/5. But there is too much power weapons.........Set the respawn rate to Never for all the weapons and Zombies would leave because it is too Campy........Especialy (Spelling) With 3 Machine Gun Turrrets.
  4. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    For a first map, you did a nice job. Your use of timed events is smart and effective. It could use some more interlocking (although the little I do see in nice and neat,) and it defenitely wouldn't hurt to have some geo-merging going on here. All things considered, it's a pretty decent map, so I'll give it a 3/5.
  5. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    Like the guy above me said the 3 gun turrets are way to strong, maybe 2 would be more reasonable even 1 would be fine. The map overall seems fun though, but it seems very wide open. Maybe add some more structures and stuff?
  6. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    Agreed the three turrets that are on the map are way to overpowered and it would be a place for the humans to camp so maybe there should be a timed event there that kills them IMO? Although the map does look very fun for an Infection Variant and the timed events and interlocking are awesome as well. Nice Job! 4/5! Keep up the great maps!
  7. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Welcome to forgehub!!!!!!

    nice first post, and i like how you made the walls appear and made sections of the map. 5/5
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Pretty cool map, but I don't think the gun turrets are really necessary. Couldn't zombies rip them off and pick up the other weapons? But the layout and timed events are a cool idea so I'll give you a 4/5.
  9. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    Its ok I would not give the zombies Brs and don't have an armory it makes for camping. Instead spread the weapons out across the map. And the turrets may be too overpowering in which case the zombies will quit.
  10. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    I made a map with the same idea, just havn't posted it yet, but great job, couold have been better though, so 4/5.
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    umm it looks good for fat kid but not for much else. there is to much power weapons for normal infection 3/5
  12. Tsiwt

    Tsiwt Ancient
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    its a bit too campy 4 my liking but good map 2.5/5
  13. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    there are alot of power weapons. usually for infection games people spawn with a shotgun and a magnum, but i guess whatever it takes to demolish the infected, take all precautions. lol

    nice work 4/5

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