Bungie doesn't like the budget glitch because it is basically cheating. I believe they are refusing to put stuff on Bungie favorates that use the budget glitch. That is why you find so many crappy maps on favs because they don't use the budget glitch. That is also why there werer old maps and minigames the last time forgehub was on Bungie fav... Bungie should care... Look what we have created with it? This website wouldn't be have as good without the budget glitch. Most of the featured maps now NEED it.
I'm not sure that's entirely true. Doesn't the most up-to-date version of the Grifball court use the budget glitch? I'm also almost positive that a lot of the MLG maps in Matchmaking use it as well... And it's true. Using the budget glitch is definitely a necessity these days for landing the feature (if only because of how much it opens up your options).
i disagree, i never use the budget glitch, and it dosn't affect me. i usually run out items before i run out of money. not all featured maps use it.
yes they did do the b favs but the was a long time ago and bungie wont except budget glitch thats why they dont have some of the sweet MLG maps onslaught and Amp were the only somewhat good MLG maps that now are famous because of MLG matchmaking For awhile they wouldnt even except interlocked but they finally gave in
There are alot of maps that dont use the unlimited money glitch tho bungie just refuses for some odd reason i guess lol
Although I don't know about Grifball, I'm almost certain that Onslaught is budget glitched (don't know about Amplified). I have heard though, that it was remade without the budget glitch for matchmaking. I have no idea if that is true though.
Okay, rather then complaining that they won't use the maps, I'm posting what I think the 5 maps should be, I think. Reflex,Martyrdom,Cat And Mouse, The Chute, Distortion. Simply beaause they show so many possibilities, Reflex is overall amazing, Martyrdoms aesthenics, cat and mouses Funness, or something, the chute, because it's awesome, and distortions originality.
None of the MLG foundry maps use the budget glitch, theyre just like Bungie that way. If they were to pick any maps though, I think they should pick Gridlocked, Troika, and Chill Out. I cant really think of any others right now, but those are definitely 3 that should be in there.
I always thought that they wouldn't use budget glitched maps for lag, but I read somewhere they did. Guess not. Why would they choose Chill out? We already have Cold Storage? I'd say Paragon should be in there too.
the GBSML08 Grifball court does not use the budget glitch (although there is one it if anyone needs it) and there is plenty of budget left over
ForgeHub does get Bungie Favs.. We have before, and we just sent a new list off that should be up soon. Also MLG maps arent Budget Glitched - Its a requirement for it to be put into MatchMaking.
MLG standards call for no Budget Glitch. It messes with spawn times of objects, and adversely affects gameplay too much in their eyes. The new GrifBall map could use the glitch, but without it having any weapon spawns, its (hypothetical) use of the glitch doesn't affect gameplay.
THey dont care about the budget glitch 2 maps on there had it.Any map by a bungie staff get instantly bungie favs, thats why they are so crappy because bungie staff cant forge.
the GBSML08 court does not use the budget glitch because i knew right from the start that it would be used in MatchMaking - and because i do not use the glitch for any of my maps because i believe that keeping within the budget is one of the challenges to making a good map i also believe in reading the entire thread before making posts