Okay, I was wondering if anyone around here has any experience with the program (found: Here ) If so, I would like some help with a project that would help all Forgers, creating foundry and each forge object on the computer. This would let us plan our maps on the computer, in glourious 3D! lol. This program is very easy to use and would help a great deal. also, does anyone have the specs (in feet, not GUs) for the objects and Foundry? Thank you all. EDIT: I will pm anyone willing to help with a list of which objects they could make. Would that be allright? If so, please then post those to your Sketchup name, and I will d/l those and post on a new name: Forge HUB Foundry Account created, find it here: Forge HUB Foundry (this will be the place where I upload my models, and I will include yours in a collection I will make...... also search for N*DOG, my other account)
Re: Google Sketchup Hmm, This might not be as easy are you think is should be. My experience with 3D modeling is that the process is hard and long. Hard and long. But if you've got the hours to figure out how to replicate foundry in the program, more power to you. If it's free, I promise I will mooch.
Re: Google Sketchup I love Google Sketchup. I used to be pretty good with it but I haven't used it in a while.
Re: Google Sketchup I don't know why no one has thought of this yet... sign me up, i love how easy sketchup is.
Re: Google Sketchup hmm i don't have any experience with that but this could be really interesting so i'll keep checking in here.
Re: Google Sketchup I'm really good with SketchUp, but I'm not sold on your project. It sounds kind of pointless.... there already is an application that lets you arrange objects in maps, it's called Forge. But maybe you can talk me into it.
Re: Google Sketchup But Forge is on the 360. Sketchup is on the computer. Lots of people can access a computer more often than they can access their 360. Some of us would like to "Forge" even when we can't Forge. I like the idea, and I love Sketchup, but I personally think I can design just as easily on a piece of paper. But I have a pretty good imagination and I can visualize spatially very well.
Re: Google Sketchup specs? you mean like the dimensions of the objects and stuff? i found a list here on forge hub somewhere not too long ago. just that the person measured everything in GUs (Grid Units) which i found to be really inaccurate. Proportionally speaking, yes it was accurate but like you couldnt really use the GU system to plan... Unless you want to convert it into a newer, more sensible system. Ill edit this post if i find the list again EDIT by Furious: Foundry Scenery Object List is what you were talking about. Find it in the Useful Threads Index in Forge Discussion.
Re: Google Sketchup Yeah, that's what I meant. Does anyone know a conversion for GU's to Feet? EDIT: I will pm anyone willing to help with a list of which objects they could make. Would that be allright? If so, please then post those to your Sketchup name, and I will d/l those and post on a new name: Forge HUB Foundry
Re: Google Sketchup As to converting GUs to Feet/meters, if you can find an object that is about as tall as chief, it should be about [abbr=2.13 meters]7ft[/abbr] tall. If you use that to mesure, say, a crate, you could then line the up and get the dimentions of foundry. Tim
Re: Google Sketchup So... one GU is about 7 feet? I think that would work. You are very smart. Why didn't I think of that? :squirrel_rant: lol Coolant: Huh? Someone said they had it before, but do you have any Sketchup experience and would you like to help? I could use some help to make it look good. (Of course I can't assume you would be good at modeling just b/c u r a Mason... or can i?)
Re: Google Sketchup now that is one smart cookie yahh i doo. well, i mean i have the pro version, but i dont remember if it can export to .3ds and ima bout to go sleep. Hey though! I can maybe get you textures, like at least for the floor and stuff!
Re: Google Sketchup Thank you [EDIT]: Wait... is being a smart cookie a good thing? I would think so, after all, I'm a cookie (with is obviously awesome) and, I'm an intelegant, inanimate object, and you don't find any of those. Sweet, I'm unique! I have it as well, so if it can export the .3ds then I should be able to. This could turn out to be a very interesting idea! Tim
Re: Google Sketchup Okay... I started work, but could anyone get me some textures for anything, preferably everything. I want this to be low-poly, but detailed. This being said, textures on simple shapes is the best way to go. PM me if you want to make some object (only simple shapes) or have textures. Also, I cannot acess my X-Box until Easter (I gave it up for Lent) so I will only be working on this. I hope to have it done by then. Thank you all for your interest in this.
Re: Google Sketchup Oh Google Sketchup. Allowing the untalented to be talented. I absolutely used to LOVE Sketchup. It was great. You can make almost anything with it, and it's supereasy. Score 1 for Google.
Re: Google Sketchup For those with the pro version, can you spare some time to export a couple models to .3ds for me? I'd appreciate it greatly.