* CrapCast * Where Crap comes to life. Each week Myself and The official Y35 will be hosting some small get togethers for a CrapCast. We realized how much people like the Forgecast, but how hard it is for those people to get together for an hour and talk about the specifics of forgehub and the community, So we have decided to take our everyday lives and turn them into a fun-filled story with some added fun. Join us each week for Some Laughs, and alot of music and random talk, Also: if you think your up for the task Sign up to be a guest on the show and come with something to talk about. Episode 1: Featuring: Host:xSharpshooter94 Host:The Official Y35 DJ/Guest: Masterjelly7 Format Length:1:09:39 Size: 48.1 MB Format: mp3 Download >>>>>Here<<<< (Dowload crapcast.wma) Our Schedule: My and Y35's day Boring nonsense IRC Small talk Crap Soundboard Jelly Arrives Crap Crap Crap Jelly Leaves Y35 takes on music Mastar joins Mastar Leaves lol Crap Animal sex Elephant boners Whale Sperm bank Music Small Chat sign-off Waynes World Ending !! Join Us next week for another !! !! session of CrapCAST !! _____________________________ If you are looking to be a guest in our next show please fill out the following information and guidelines. 1)Do you have skype? 2)Do you have a mic on your computer? 3)Will you do as we say? aslong as its fair. 4)What would you like to talk about?
Nemi, this is kinda just a bunch of funny stuff and random talk, if you and dom want to join us next week we can help you guys out.
I think you and Bl00d will be in the next session, Then nemi and dom can do a specific date if you want Idk, this is for fun guys, if you dont want to listen to it atleast read the descriptions lol
Nonono We were planning on making our own podcast. It would have been called the Nemidomcast. And it would have been pimpsauce.
1)Do you have skype? yes 2)Do you have a mic on your computer? yes 3)Will you do as we say? aslong as its fair. sure thang 4)What would you like to talk about? snazzy stuffs
hey i'd wanna show up, but I have no mic for my compu, and I have Skype. wanna kno what else I have? no idea how to use it. unless you could use it to contact me through my phone.
i'm downloading it now! this is exciting! (1.)i have skype (2.) yeah i gots one. (3.) off course aslong as it doesn't go against anything i do in life for a reason. (like religion. or homework.) (4.) it's a crap cast. crap. crap. and more crap. pi to the 100th diget. [the box that can hold anything.] random music. lots more crap with the occasional information.(that's needed you know...) so there. crapcast at 100% dndld... NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! i hit d and it closed the program because i was typing this!!!!!! why.... i have to dnld all over again... sadface...
Wow, theres alot of people that wana talk, maybe me and sharp can stay for a while and people can come and go, idk we'll figure it out
haha, i didn't think many people would download this, but that was classified under the soundboard talking, Jelly is a pro at it.