Re: Triple Threat: λ build I was a little curious why u named it triple threat? I also really agree with most of Furious's suggestions.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build I really enjoyed playing on this map (3 v.s. 4), but the attackers had very little chance against the defenders, the needlers were really fun, but I got an overkill and two triple kills by using the sword and shotgun in combination, also, in the second round: the first plant point failed to explode properly and the containers remained there, so I could easily pick off prospective bombers coming around the corner of the containers, the snipers are very easy to use and I got 36 kills in one game (not one round). The only reason that the attackers couldn't plant the bomb in the same place multiple times was due to the smaller crates being moved by the explosion, pure luck in my mind, and the first checkpoint teleporter is TOO hard to open when you're being shot at, my teammate ended up having to open it for the enemy team. Our game was tied 1-1, which is solely because of the difficulty to reach plant point 2, It is too close to the enemy spawn point to successfully plant, the only way possible would be a bubble shield plant maneuver. I actually enjoyed the game a lot however, it could use some equipment, grenades, and some work with the checkpoint teleporters(perhaps by adding multiple recievers for the attackers to exit from?). Great map, original Idea, I recommend this file. Oh... and... G043R... too... many... ellipses... it... pains... me.... ::EDIT:: Carbines are my all time favourite HALO weapon, other than the fuel rod gun, and the Beam Rifle. maybe you could put some in besides the BRs to give players a bit more options. And Kapura, neither spike grenades, nor firebomb grenades have concussive force.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build Furious: don't worry about the first bomb point. It works fine. I am definitely going to move and rebalance the weapons. I know this from a few of the tests that I have run. I am going to add at least 1 or two covers, or maybe a bubble shield. I might put a regen or power drain somewhere. As for grenades: there will almost certainly be no standard grenades. I tested with frags and plasmas, and they sometimes accidentally destroy the wall. I haven't tested with spikes, and I know that firebombs don't hurt the wall. So i'll check out the spikes, and we'll see. I didn't know about being able to camp the second checkpoint, so it's gone as of the next build. I may put in a grav lift somewhere in the third room. Or i might make another way to get up. In my original build, a mongoose was part of the attacker's arsenal. I would probably shield door the defender spawn zone so it couldn't be driven past the second point. I might add that, probably at a delayed spawn. And G043R, a 1v1 is not good to test out the bomb points. My experience is that if somebody tries to re-arm the first point, they get picked off pretty quick. Another change I am making is the bomb spawn time. Me and a few other people were constantly being set back when the entire team got ambushed. Also, I am going to eliminate a few of the spools Many of you may not have noticed, but there are very few objects left to place.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build Well when I played with Gerbil, the round where I was on defense, the walls failed to 'splode... possibly due to the turrets like Furious mentioned, but I don't know. You might want to reposition some explosives just a bit. That was me. I'm such a kind soul. Is the teleporter there supposed to open up with the explosion, or are the attackers supposed to figure it out themselves? You might want make it more visible if it's the latter, and replace some explosives if its the former. And Even with uneven teams, nobody ever got the second plant point to go off. You might want to make the plant points Grifball style as somebody suggested earlier, I think. It would still be fun, in my opinion, and then you wouldn't have to worry about how damn hard it is to assault that point. (E.G. no more cover required.) I actually disagree here. I thought I'd hate it, but I like it a lot. It makes it feel organized here. You might want to make them respawn a little slower, though. You don't need to let everyone have everything they want all the time. (Definitely fewer snipers, though)
New build up. Thanks for the feedback, it really does help. Changes listed at bottom of first point. Special thanks to BetaWaffle, Shock and others from the parties who helped me test it 2v2. Hope to do some big team testing soon.
New Build Comments: I was able to do a test run with a spare controller. First Arm Spot: The first bomb arm spot did indeed blow up with those turrets up there, so that's good. However, I was able to push one of those single boxes back over there and arm it again by jumping up repeatedly. But Furious, those boxes will probably fly away when the first bomb explodes. Also the defenders can easily shoot the bomb carrier before he arms it there again. Well consider this tactic: after the mongoose spawns you can drop a bubble shield and keep jumping on the mongoose to arm it. But Furious, the mongoose and the bubble shield were your idea. I know, I know. I'm not sure how to counter that strategy. Maybe place the arm spot a little higher, or give the bomb carrier a little extra gravity. Also, can you re-arm the bomb at the second arm spot multiple times? Also, one of the boxes behind the turrets at the third arm spot does not spawn at start.
To all the people who are going to say this in the future: If you have played this map you probably will find that the weapons being together give a nice organized feel to the map, the only thing about this map that you might want to change in the armories is the spawn times, if you haven't already done that in the Nu build, and BTW I like your use of words to define the build, and what are there codes? I assume you held alt and typed it in with the number tab.
In the newest build most of the weapon placement is the same, but for the most part quantities are reduced, i.e. only one needler in defense spawn instead of four. Four needlers gives the attackers very little chance, while one needler gives both sides similar chances, making it more likely that more than just the wall getting destroyed. Also, the lambda I copied from wikipedia. I could find the alt com for it. And nu is just a v.
I'd love to be included on any future tests of this you may have in mind. I played through with just a spare controller just to test the mechanics. Point 1 worked fine, but point 2 ended up being the one I was able to plant on twice (quite easily) because of debris from the explosion. Maybe this could be helped with a higher, more elaborate 'staircase'? -EDIT- Actually, I just looked at it again, and the objects that make up the climb to the second point are set to respawn after 45 sec. Why didn't you set them to never respawn like you did at the first point? I really love the idea here. Someone said a few posts up that he didn't get it. I think it's obvious what you are trying to do. In most assault games the bomb is just an item that happens to be the game objective. Here, you actually have multiple objectives that you are literally trying to blow up. This could probably be the basis of many new maps, but it doesn't nescessarily have to always be linear. Great job!
wow, one day and this has been bumped down to the fourth page If you need any testers in the future, please consider me, I'm pretty good at giving criticism after playing maps!