Debate The Meaning Of Life

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by blacksmith, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    sorry you are right
  2. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    I agree with chipsinabox on this one. I think that the meaning of life is the present moment- whatever's happening right here, right now, that's life's meaning. For example- when you make a new girlfriend, after you both confess your love to each other and you go home, you immediately think about all the stuff that you can do in the relationship- go to movies, take hikes, go on vacations- and I don't think that's how one should think. IMO, One should enjoy the fact that he has found a lover and live in that moment- the moment that is now. As the classic hippie saying goes- go with the flow. =)
  3. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    How many roads must a man walk down?

    The meaning of life is far too complex for us to comprehend.

    I mean seriously, maybe when we find out how the universe was created and why the hell we are here. Then we can start asking these questions.

    there is so much we are yet to understand. Take string theory for example.

    The universe is so big, add multiple dimensions and... yeah

    we are ****ing tiny
  4. JSnoop420

    JSnoop420 Ancient
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    well to tell you the truth
    i believe we are here to spread the most wonderful thing of all
    and thats life its self

    whether or not there is a god or we were just an accidentilly created
    we still have a duty as a species to keep life going!

    without life what is there

  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    There is no meaning to life. Any meaning we have is subject, not objective. For instance, some say procreation. Evolution may have given us the ability to do so, but that does not make it our purpose for existence. There is also the question of where we go when we die and who is watching us with a purpose for our lives. I can assure you that the future is an abstract concept, and the appearance of determinism is only imposed by our own conscience. There is also one more question that appears that seems to think that life is the only thing that matters in the universe, without there is nothing. Fundamentally speaking, we are made up of atoms. Non-living matter. This means that we are the same thing as a clump of dirt. We only subjectively impose what we assume is objective.

    And that's all I have to say about that.
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    The meaning of life to me is happiness. If you think about it, every single thing you ever do in life is either directly, or indirectly done to achieve happiness, whether it be immediate or later on. Even if you never achieve true happiness, that is what the goal was, wasn't it? For example, you go to school, to learn, to be able to get a job, and support you and/or your family. This in turn leads to you being happy because someone else you love is happy, or because you pamper yourself like a dog to the point where you are totally content with what you are doing at the time and will be doing in the future. But, you ask, why are we given this gift of being capable of happiness? The reason is because without it, the world, universe, and basically everything there is, would be pointless. Is it just a coincidence that stars give off heat and light? Is it just a coincidence that the universe is actually capable of sustaining life? Certainly not in my eyes. I think that one of the laws of (not physics) EVERYTHING is that no matter what something is, it has a point, is worth something, or has to just be because in turn it aids something else's existence. Another law of EVERYTHING is that you can never have absolutely 0 existence. It is impossible. That is why we have everything here. That's the meaning of life. To create happiness, which creates a meaning for everything else.
  7. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    It means nothing. Its just a fact. When you die, then it means something.
  8. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    ^ that's depressing.

    I say the meaning of life is to keep living. Short and simple.

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