I made a new one thats way better than the last one! Check this one out. Its got the levels perfect. It combines aspects from tombstone and hang em' high. Slayer and CTF. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17141891&viewreplies=true
Wow. It looks really authentic. The only thing is DON'T PUT A LINK IN YOUR FILESHARE! MAKE A FORUM FOR THE MAP!
Looks like a nice remakes for whatever your trying to remake (Tombstone is appears). Well done with mimicing the design and weapon placement.
Re: Hang Em' High/Tombstone You could always change the weapons on the map and take out the lift if you want to change it to Hang Em' High. I prefer Tombstone for the Halo 3 settings.
Yeah I thought about putting in dumbsters for the tombstones but it hinders gameplay. they make it so you cn jump up to places your not supposed to be.
He means to publish your map to the Bungie Forums and then link to that thread, rather than you File Share (which it looks like you have already done.) I think he's just posting without thinking. He' is now in "Warned" status, which probably means he is spamming useless comments throughout the site. I agree with some of the other comments that it is closer to Tombstone, so if you make any changes and updated the map, i would suggest renaming it appropriately. s for changes i would suggest.. Well theres a lot of room for improvement. I really like how you created a false floor, to get the trench in. But the floor has several areas where you get stuck when moving around. Some interlocking would fix this. Also, the elevated floor makes the upper levels too close to the floor. I guess you have to pick your battles on which you would rather have more accurate, considering the limitations in Foundry. Personally i would rather do without the trench, considering how it impacts the rest of the remake's quality. Also, there is no tunnel system behind Red Base. Once again, i'm sure it was due to limitations of Foundry, and the extra resources you needed to make the false floor. Hope this feedback helps. Let me know when you update it again. I really enjoy remakes!
Thanks the feedback really helps...I appreciate it. Yeah the false floor took most of my money. I guess i could have done the money glitch, but when I made the map I had bever heard of it until i went to this site to post my first map. thanks again.
this is alright i like the screens that show where weapons are nice thinking, also just looks like a good map altogether might dl when i get room, im full atm
Look pretty good for a remake of Tombstone. I must say though however it is lacking a few things. Pillars(everywhere) Level distribution...-You can jump for like the 1st to the 3rd level...Makes it kinda easy to kill people.