I really don't know how to start this, I've viewed some other threads and they are awesome with a bunch of pictures and sweet stuff. I wasn't prepared for that, as this is my first map I've actually made. So yeah, this is really my first map and I really hope to get better. I have no one to test it with really so I signed up here hoping to get some feed back. It is designed for team games, like CTF, Assault and even team KotH and Team Oddball. It would also be possible to have a standard Team Slayer match on it. Weapons: Battle Rifle x 8 Carbine x2 Sniper x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x1 Link to Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pictures: This is the middle of the map, most confict should occur here A front shot of the Blue Base A back shot of the Blue Base The 'actual' Blue base, the flag is in there NOTE: The Red base is just the back part of the map, which is the premade part of Foundry, with the narrow hallway that leads to a kind of open room. So keep in mind it is my first map I thought was worthy of ever posting, and if any one does download it and check it out, please give me some feedback. I really love using the forge to create maps, and I'm looking to get better.
Hello, and welcome to ForgeHub Currently, your post is not up to ForgeHub standards....you must include more than one embedded image, (quick-tip: download from bungie.net---upload to photobucket---copy direct link from photobucket---go here, and use and embed your image---voila done!!!) please have your post fixed within 24 hours, or else it will be locked by a moderator no posts beyond this point about not up to FH standards, or you will be reported for spamming looking forward to the map dude!!! if you have any more questions, feel free to PM me!!!
ok ok too little cover first of all....second, i like the fence thing, but add like on the two side ones a shield door...so you can see out, but cant shoot out....3/5 good job man
The structure in the last picture looks very sweet, nice aesthetics! How long did THAT take you? The front side of the blue base also looks cool for infection.
hmm looks cool i would like a pic of red base, to see if you did anything with the inside of the hallway. and i wish you made the blue bases more interesting, seems bland otherwise the layout itself is good, similar to a map i am currently making
the map looks good but i think you could do a v2 and add more stuff more cover and maybe extend the wall to make it bigger
Maybe for your next map, you could more advanced techniques instead of just interlocking the "actual" bases. You can learn all of those techniques at Forging101. But anyway, 4.3/5 for first map.
it does need more cover but it is a nice map that fence wall thing i used in one of my maps and loads of people liked it and it looks like loads of people like yours
Ok thanks for the feedback guys. I already started my new map and I'm reading somethings in Forging 101. I'll try to implement some more advanced techniques into my next map, and try to make it a little bigger as well.
welcome to forgehub. the concept of the 'actuall blue base' is good. but as mentioned before, you should remake this map as a v2, make the map bigger, place shield doors through the fence walls so can see in but cannot shoot, and also add some interlocking.
cool map and welcome to forgehub, you did a good job. maybe you should fip the boxs over and interlock more, i really like the fence bunker you did a real nice job on it. overall 3/5 good job.