Debate America vs. the World

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Furry, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Furry

    Furry Guest

    No, it seemed like you were calling british people "stupid ****ers"

    You can also agree on things in a debate but I am just asking people to agree or dissagree with other's post on how they could change it if they were in power or something.
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    When I don't like someone, it's because of their personality. Not their race, background, nationality, etc. I say you all take this under consideration before this turns into a hate thread.
  3. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Theres a reason i had "stupid british ****er" in quotation marks. Same reason i said it was addressing arrogant XBLers. Same reason it had a tounge face (=P) after it.

    Again: Thats what I usually get called by the more arrogant Americans. That part was to lighten the mood of this topic a little. =P
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Wow, just wow... You just proved that you are arrogant... I hope you realize that in XboxLive your playing with teenagers... Not mature adults... I hope you also realise that most of them are going through puberty... You can't say "Americans" are arragont... Mabye the teenagers of America but not the whole of America... You yourself are being arrogant. I'm not even American, I live in America but i'm actually Hispanic... Born in Columbia, Pereira.
  5. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Alright People are Jerks any Country you go to Debate closed ...I mean It isn't just America I've been cursed at more often by Brits and Germans at times... and More recently Americans hate me...Its not a point of being Elite or anything its people them self thinking there all that... FOr all case and measure... ever play StarCraft online? Koreans at times will leave a game if your not good enough... I think this is just a sterotype against Americans and your turning a blind eye to every other country... I do not agree that we should be like that... but we all fall short... your drawing on the same sword your dieing on... I mean Americans... there such jerks is Stereotyping and its this Vicious circle... simple note names and move on... I rarely start a fight on xbox live for the fair fact of playing like a team mate in game... because I want to win...
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Just posting this here for reference, I just played a game with this Australian kid who told me and my friend to shut up because we were "yanks". It was completely unprovoked and just random. So what is it, America vs. the world, or the world vs. America?
  7. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    It seems a lot of people have looked over a very true post that Jayclash posted. The reason why you seem to come across more arrogant Americans over Live on Halo 3 is simpily because there are more Americans that play it than most other countries. Thus the chances of coming across an arrogant American vs. coming across an arrogant *insert nationality here* are greater because more Americans play.

    And another person in this thread also stated that the arrogant people are teenagers. Most teenagers are a bit more arrogant than adults no matter the nationality. If you don't want to come into contact with arrogance than you shouldn't be on the internet because the majority of the internet are not mature adults.
  8. Furry

    Furry Guest

    This isn't a hate thread guys. You have posted enough references. If this continues I'll ask a moderator to lock. The debate is What could you do, if you had enough power of XBL, to fix this problem and debate with others answers.

    The title is just to attract people. Nothing more. Every country has its problems, that includes the country/continent Austrailia.


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    #28 Furry, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2008
  9. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    The reason you encounter more arrogant Americans on Xbox Live is because Americans make up a large portion of Xbox Live. Every nation has arrogant people. While America is no different, it's certainly not filled with arrogant pricks. I have several American friends, and have seen people gang up on them because they were American, also. No one country has a massive percentage of jerks. It's just that more players are Americans, so a greater number of the jerks you've seen have been Americans, also.
  10. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I make a joke about what arrogant Americans (not all Americans, just the arrogant ones who this topic is addressing) call me, and suddenly I'm arrogant.
    You might have to explain this one to me.
    #30 The Storm 59, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  11. Caboose 702

    Caboose 702 Ancient
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    I've come to the conclusion that there are two types of people on xbox live. The first type is the person who actually plays the game for enjoyment, he intends to have a good time with a couple of his friends and sit back and relax. The second kind is the person who likes to ruin the first ones enjoyment for his own. They often talk trash, and try to find any reason to anger or offend people they are playing against.

    All countries have both types of people in them. No country is exempt, and none is better then the other. There may be a large amount of americans (U.S that is) that talk trash, but that's only cause there are a larger amount of americans playing on xbox live then any other country. I've come across many people that aren't american and are still pricks.
    #31 Caboose 702, Aug 22, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  12. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    I was just coming to this forum to write a topic about the same thing, though a bit different, i just finished playing a game on xbox live, their was an english kid who makes the comment "you are all a bunch of stupid Americans" as the first thing said in the lobby. Anyways, he repeatedly threw out nothing but Anti-american insults the whole game. It got really annoying. His most common one was "stupid americans" and "ignorant"

    ect ect...

    Now i do understand that their are some pretty damn stupid americans out their, and their are alot of ignorant ameircans out their ect ect...
    But how can somebody judge everybody in an entire country based off of these people? I think not. Alot of what the world see's of america is from the media. Media plays things that they want you to see, not necessarily the truth, they play what will get the highest ratings. Ie: anybody who watches BBC knows they have an anti-american Bias as well as a number of other bias's.
    We are biased, admit the stars of BBC News | Mail Online

    4th paragraph ^^

    Now you are right, i do see alot of Americans on live saying the exact same things back to the english kids making fun of the way they talk ect. but thats just part of the "xbl Experience" Trash talk, making fun of the way somebody sounds (kids with 5yr old voices) gamertag names ect... So what you see on live should hardly be of any importance as people from everywhere are going to make fun of anything when possible.

    Now, i notice alot of these biased foreign media reports on America, they deliberatly show the dumbest americans they can find so they can ReEnforce this "stupid American" Stero Type. It gets the show more views and higher ratings, which is what "news" is all about these days.

    no matter where you go, their will be STUPID PEOPLE, and that is a fact of life, America, Europe, Asia, all of those places have stupid people, so saying that Americans are all stupid and ignorant is false, you cannot judge anybody based on where they live or are from.

    Schools, parents, should teach children tolerance and repect for people who are different, no matter how odd they may seem, because when that person see's you, they are probably thinking you are odd as well.
  13. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    This really annoys me, I am a person who will joke around with friends but they always joke around with me back. But your example is just absolutly unacceptable. No person should joke around or try to intentially hurt someone if, first, they don't know them at all, and second if the discussion is serious. I'm glad you brought this up.
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'd like to sum things up bluntly:

    People everywhere are assholes.

    No matter where you are in life, there will be an asshole nearby. Luckily there are nice people everywhere too. Just ignore the people who suck. That's what the mute button is for.
    SargeantSarcasm likes this.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    This really bugs me as well, since I'm british and get a decent amount of stick on XBL for it. Back in my staff captain days, I was in a game of team slayer and the rest of my team started trashing my rank, despite the fact that I was at that point (and remained) MVP. When I put this point to them, they began to mock me for being english (not before they confused my accent for a Texan one, WTF?). I'm not what you'd call patriotic, but I don't like being insulted for any reason, so I came back and started insulting their play (which was pretty damn bad for people being so cocky). They immediately started saying I hated America and was insulting the country at large. I informed them that I had no problem with America, and actually really liked it as a country, but it was them that I hated. They didn't seem to be able to comprehend this, and began betraying me which lost us the game.

    But then again, I have a friend who constantly insults people on XBL just for being American, and I lay into him for it whenever I'm around. Its just the same, and possibly even worse since these guys have done literally nothing to him to deserve this abuse.

    The long and the short of it is:

    And I couldn't have put it better myself. The simple fact is that Americans are in the majority on Halo MM, and so it stands to reason that the majority of assholes are going to be American. This isn't a reflection on America as a country, but just the result of pure numbers. If England, or any other country, dominated MM then it would be just the same with them. Mute is a wonderful function, but its still a shame when a team refuses to work together and have to mute each other just because of nationality, it defies the whole point of the internet.
    Murdock Sampson likes this.
  16. JubJub Joe

    JubJub Joe Ancient
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    Well I'm English, and I've been verbally attacked countless times for my accent and origin by many Americans. On the flip side, I'm friends with a great number of Americans on XBL, and I've also been to America :)

    The fact is, there are idiots in every country, but I think the social demographics of America make for a more isolationist attitude throughout the country... many Americans simply don't care about anything outside of their own country. The very fact that America is such a large country, means that a large number of people have this sort of "we're better than you" mindset.
    What sickens me is that in some cases it can't be ignorance... some of these idiots are Americans in their mid-thirties with little concept of reality. At least the kids can plead ignorance.

    To be honest, it annoys me more when someone British responds with something like "stupid yank" - it's only making me look like a **** too... I hope that the nice Americans amongst you will feel the same way about your fellow countrymen the next time they say something against Europeans or Australians. Unfortunately, the XBL community is not a great representation of your country...


    Murdock Sampson likes this.
  17. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Wow that whole paragraph (especially the bold part) is just totally awesome. That and what DtL said are probably some of the best points made so far. And Pegasi don't worry when your on live 'cause I'll be there to defend you.

    Yeah I know this feeling. It's threads like these that make me feel awkward.

    When I'm on live having someone getting cussed out for their nationality or race or anything by an American, I think it's stupid. And personally I think a lot of the accents out there are way better than my annoying high-pitched voice XD.

    Seriously whenever some American is on live shouting out the N word I'll just tell them to shut up. It usually ends up with my having to mute them, but sometimes they actually shut up. And I agree that the thing is that there are more Americans on live, but there are assholes everywhere. And I'd probably agree that there is a higher Asshole to Population (AtP) ratio in America, but that doesn't by any means mean that:

    • All Americans are assholes
    • All assholes are Americans
    • There aren't nice people in America.
    I'm American and I'm usually nice to everybody... unless they're an asshole. Then I politely ask them to stop talking.
  18. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    People in america are no more ignorant or mean than anyone else.
    Take a look at the world map under the matchmaking screen, see how there is about 100 times as many dots in America than the rest of the world? Yes, you are MUCH more likely to run into an ignorant, asshole American on XBL, not because there are more assholes, just because there are more Americans all together. I very rarely play with people with accents from out of the US, but when I do I have never heard anyone being made fun of for living/not living in Britain.
  19. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    you know your right almost everytime i play matchmaking and there is a british person and a american they seem to almost always get into a fight for the stupidist reasons and since im canadian i hate to admit this but we canadians are pretty much half american and half british so all we can do is listen. if you disagree with me fine but thats what i think
  20. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Hey, I have a friend who is Scottish, and one who is British. If I go to play Matchmaking with either of them I make sure I have party leader, because if I don't. I'm going to sit through 20 seconds of them smack-talking the other team. Which I think is pointless. does that make them American?

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