Haha one of my friends linked me to a video of her friend's from a graduation party in '07. A few girls there tried a pool stunt, but it didn't work so well... Watch it all the way through; it's only a minute or so, and the end is the best part! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=750N3eewVdM
that is seriously dangerous.... seriously, should she watch this, she should get shivers down her spine on how close she was to brain damage... funny though, don't know what she was thinking...
She wasn't close to the edge of the pool. I dunno what you guys are talking about. She just didn't jump high enough!
she was |-| close to being permabanned, and |---| close to being banned for a couple years damn dude that was crazy
That was a pretty funny video, lol. I liked how it was actually real and not just something staged. And I am sure that she is fine, but yes she should feel thankful that she didn't get any serious injuries.
Failed, Epic style. Remember kids, Friendly fire isn't... Oops, wrong one. Remember kids, don't run around a pool. :haha:
Definitely. I just wish whoever was filming it would've kept the damn camera level! XD Glad you guys find it equally hilarious.