yar i haz no reconz but i do haz a frigate! har har har... yeah anyway this is my frigate the Aegis Fate. It has no gametype because it is an Aesthetic map. you may make a gametype for it as long as you give credit for making the actual Aegis fate to me, and keep my name on the map. DL HERE:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing WHAT YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! T3H PICTURES!!!! Overview Side View a firing mac cannon :O Teleporter to the Bridge (This teleporter is located on the uppermost floor of the Aegis Fate when you go up the ramp to the mac cannon turn around and you will see the teleporter) Me in the bridge Teleporter in the bridge to go back to the uppermost floor of the Aegis Fate Easy access to the Armory (Second floor) simply jump from the side and barely hit the vacinity of the grav lift and you will get on the second floor Choose you weapon soldier! go down the hole once more to get into the hangar (Now choose your vehicle soldier!) Behind the scorpion a teleporter to go back up to the uppermost floor of the Aegis Fate Receiver node from hangar Now go down the hall and turn to the left or right to go to the engine rooms. they are very crappy, i know so please dont flame on them D: Left Engine Right Engine TEH CREDIT TO MEEEEEE if you cant read that r my gamertag XxAbstainxX, contact me if you want to forge with me AND ONCE AGAIN AN OVERVIEW yeah i dont have a little backround story for this because i personally deem those cheezy so yeah all i have to say is, the Aegis fate is a 4 floored ship if you count the tiny bridge as a floor. the uppermost floor has most of the stuff on it, a door to the mac cannon, 2 doors to the engines (left, Right), a door to go to armory/hangar, and teleporter to the bridge. The second floor is the armory and you can go back upwards to the uppermost floor using the grav lift or go down to the hangar. The third floor is the hangar which holds 2 mongooses, 2 warthogs a scorpion and a hornet. Enjoy as always! dont forget to do the poll Aesthetic Forger XxAbstainxX DL HERE!!:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing or in my sig
Why do i feel like I want to take the scorpion and blow the frigate up? Wait i dont cause this maps a 9/10 great job
i agree with previous posts, they are getting old, and is the mac cannon a scorpian?, like so it cant move ?
there r actually 3 dl links.. top of the thread bottom of it n in my sig sux how now ppl r gettin tired of em.. i have 2 more ships to unveil D:
wow why are there so many halo frigates? if someone made the death star... I'd hug them. well not really cuz then i'd have to look them up but yeah. but it looks good. 8/10. but its the same as all the other frigates. SOMEONE MAKE THE DEATH STAR!!
well yeah the pics arent up. i posted this like last month and dint expect someone to necro post it back up here so i deleted the pics off of photobucket. can someone lock this!?