I'd be willing to help this if I had any idea what it was I'm agreeing to help with. Saying "I have an awesome idea" and asking for help from the best then not even saying what you need help with, will probably not get you the result you crave. You are being very vague; like a hidden virus .
He told me you didn't. He said you didn't do crap. And I can help, Gt: Fanaticgreekboy. Message me if you want...
I am excellent at interlocking in mid-air. I would call myself a pro, but I haven't posted my best maps. ( I don't want to.) I'm almost always available during weekdays. Just invite me ingame if you need me. GT = NewbAmoeba
Oh man, sounds like I got dumped. well, if your working with Linubidx, good luck on the rest of the map, there wasnt very much I could help with, but this sounds like a great idea, maybe credit me for or 20 minutes of work ahaha. Good luck bro.
Sorry man, you just couldn't help me as much as I wanted, I will include your name though just for putting in the time to talk to me.
Hm...I'm guessing this is our idea. By "our" I mean Draw the Line, E93, and mine. Does your idea involve Banshees or Hornets flying through rings? Is that why you can't tell anybody?
Well there was a thread already on here where the idea was originated. You posted in it. Now you're secretly trying to start a new project. It's ours. GTFO.
WHAT?! I came up with this idea myself! My friend had a idea of a track and it evolved. Where is proof of this thread? Give me a link here pal. EDIT: That's what I thought, no proof. Someone obviously leaked the idea you wanted to make it seem that such a great idea was taken by you because you have rep on your side, try again buddy.
Where does it involve anything saying a "ring" it simply involves ideas of GTA. Yes I posted on it, no I have never had a helicopter race on GTA, I have not gotten that far yet. I did not read any comments. EDIT: Now I see your post, I did not see that. I never used your idea, sometimes people think of the same idea on their own. EDIT AGAIN: Your idea is completely different from mine. On mine there is two teams, no VIP, it is king of the hill. There are wraiths to help destroy other banshees. I will make towers just small enough so that if you barrel roll you can fit between the two towers. I came up with this myself, did not read your post.
I gained inspiration from the first post, I saw none of the other, I swear. I am not a map stealer of any sort, nor idea stealer, as my idea evolved in a completely different way than yours did. You have first post on your hands though, so you have a advantage, but we both came up with the idea, so we will both forge it I guess. Good luck to you.
Exactly, just how I inspired many puzzle-makers. I just don't want to be blamed when I didn't see his post nor is mine like his.