now everyone seems to love the Mongoose Skate Park 2 so i have decided to have a little contest. we will have a contest to see who can pull off the best run, you will have 2 minutes to use the whole course and do whatever you want, me and the other judges will rate your run on, how many times you fell, difficulty of tricks, and so on, highest score wins. just send a video of you on the map tearing it up, to either me, or stin10. you can send us it on xbl, or the link to your fileshare where we can download it from. the best run will win. now remember, have your video be only 2 minutes long. you can download the map to in the link provided. we can only have so many contestents so sign up fast. the prize is +rep from all the judges, and maybe a special prize???. so far the judges are me and stin10, but rest assured there will be more, and you'll get lots of +rep. good luck and may the best skater win.
yaaaaa. i'm a judge. good thing to, or i'd win hands down. also, so people know, you not allowed to have a friend help, or shoot rockets at the ground or anything.
Sure, if we can't find anymore judges you can be what, but if we do find some more you can definately be in the comp. I would rather do a live competition than as stin10 said "Send videos in" I am considering a live comp. with all three judges and the players, if your on we will invite you, you get a minute or so to practice then we start a new round and you go, let it last around two minutes and then the panel of judges will go back into the theater and rate the run on originality, amount of tricks landed/failed, etc.
I like this idea but it seems a little hard. Considering that grinding with a Mongoose isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.