Guide: Perfect Image-posting

Discussion in 'Screenshot Guides' started by Sweat Tomato, Aug 21, 2008.


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  1. Sweat Tomato

    Sweat Tomato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So I am seeing a lot of pictures in the Forge Map forum threads that always say at the top- "Picture is resized to fit". Well, with the help of this thread, there will be no more resizing needed. This is an easy process that uses no advanced programs or complicated steps. Just follow some simple intructions for perfect pictures for your maps!


    1. Make sure you have all the pictures taken and stored in the screenshot section of your Halo 3 profile.

    2. Go to the Hi-Res screenshot section of your Halo 3 profile.

    3. Click on one of the pictures that you want to use for your thread. This will bring up another window of a bigger view of the picture.

    4. Right-click the blown-up picture that is shown in the new window. Scroll down to the "Save picture as..." option. Save the map as a name that you will remember and put it in a file.

    5. Open up a new Internet Explorer and go to the site Photobucket. Click on the button called "Upload photos and video". (it's a big button on the front page, you can't miss it.)

    6. Login in if you already have an account or create a new one. It shouldn't take a long time.

    7. Once you logged in to your account, There should be a box in the center for uploading images. If there isn't, go back to the homepage (while your still logged in) and click the Upload button.

    8. In the "Upload Images & Video" box, click the Choose Files button, which will bring up a window of your pictures. Go to the file that you kept the pictures in and double-click it. The picture should begin to upload.

    9. Once uploaded, the website should take you to a different page which shows your picture. STOP on that page and begin typing up your thread for your forge map. After you typed what you needed to type (if you are going to add captions under your pics, don't type the captions yet), go back to your picture on Photobucket.

    10. On that website with your picture, right-click it and scroll down to Properties. A new window should pop up about the properties of the picture. You should notice that there is a URL of the picture. Highlight the URL that is displayed. Copy the URL by holding down Ctrl+C.

    11. Go back to the thread of your map. You may also notice a little icon of a mountain senery next to the other icons like B I U. That is the Insert Image button. Click it and a window will pop up asking you for the URL of the picture (I think you know where this is going...). I hope you still got that Picture URL copyed. So in the box given, paste the URL by pressing Ctrl+V. The URL of your picture should appear in the box. If not, go to the picture's properties again and highlight and copy the URL.

    12. Lastly, click the Ok button and your picture should appear in your thread. Notice that when you preview the post, there is no resizing needed. Perfect picture!

    *If you are adding more pictures, go back to the upload page on Photobucket, and upload another picture. Repeat steps 8-12.*

    If there are any questions, I'll be glad to answer them.
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good, guide, but no offense, I realized that lately there has been ALOT of these...
  3. Sweat Tomato

    Sweat Tomato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a different method.

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