Dreadlock by: Sweat Tomato Welcome! This is my first map posted on Forge Hub so I guess I would be getting some citicism. DescriptionThis map is named Dreadlock because of it's claustrophobic area which results in quick kills and rampage. It's the work of 25+ hours of work. It's a two-level symetrical map that has a closed bottom and open top layer. The weapons are equally placed like all the objects in the map. There are no heavy weapons, in the fact that it is a very closed area so it might destroy the point of it all. Some weapons will only have 1 nade next to it because I didn't want to turn it into a bomb war. Players will respawn at the bottom level of the map and choose to either attack head-on in the middle section, or head up the stairs on the right on each side to circle around and surround them. There are doors acting like mirrors to "bounce" nades to the other side. I believe that you shouldn't always use interlocking techniques when you don't need to. *Recommended for Team Slayer, Slayer, or Team Doubles* Weapons & Equipment 4x Spiker 4x SMG 4x Plasma Rifle 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Battle Rifle 2x Assault Rifle 2x Needler 2x Brute Shot 2x Mauler 1x Energy Sword 8x Frag Grenade 8x Plasma Grenade 6x Spike Grenade 1x Bubble Shield 1x Regenerator 1x Overshield 1x Actice Camo Pictures The ultimate weapon in the center, Sword... The Base where each team starts out on. The middle of the bottom level. Attack up the middle! Action Pictures Bounce the nade to the other side... Give me all you got... Watch out for those Fusion Coils... From behind! Whack! Clash of the Brute Shot and Sword One of the hallways Download Here
i really love the idea and it seems pretty good, but some of the boxes needs to be interlocked. nice stair interlocking though. 4/5
Well, if I interlocked all of the boxes there would be too many gaps in the map. Plus, adding more boxes to fill in the gaps was not in my budget.
The map actually looks really cool. I see some double boxes that could have been interlocked better though, so overall this is a 4/5.
looks well made and great design i was gonna say close of the top but then i though 1. budget constraints 2. cant jump that high at top of foundry!
looks pretty good. but in the last picture it looks like you can just grenade jump on top of the doubleboxes
Pretty good first timer map. You used interlocking techniques, which is good to see from a first timer. 4/5 because I can get out of this....
From what I see, this is a good first time map-hopefully if I ever get off my lazy rump I'll post my first map here too.