Everyone was prasing the PS3 because it has free online capabilities. not really. In every game, they want you to pay $1-$10 just for a new "charecter" or a new profile. and most of the game that should've been free are actually $10-$30. check for yourself. PlayStation® Global
Yeah also the system is like $100-$200 more. So you'd have to have XBL for like 2-4 years before the "free" online actually payed off. Besides they dont have any great exclusive titles yet.
Well, actually, with all the price cuts, a PS3 can go for about as much as an Xbox 360. However, I cannot vouch for their "free" online being free or otherwise.
This was actually helpful, my bro wanted a PlayStation3 because he thought it was free. Knowing this might help him change his mind.
To be fair, not every game costs you. And several games offer free character slots already. I haven't really dug into this topic, and I don't own a PS3 to do hands-on research with, but given that I haven't heard any massive uprisings over this, I'm gonna suspect that this topic is a little skewed at best, and nasty BS at worst.
349.99 - 60 gig Xbox 360 - Backwards compatibility 399.99 - 80 gig PS3 - No BC 449.99 - 120 gig Xbox 360 - BC 499.99 - 120 gig PS3 - No BC 50 bux for the xbox live, plus the elite = the ps3. Xbox 360 has better titles, BC, better online. Seems like the choice to me? As well the arcade is rumored to drop to 199.99 being the cheapest console, and the 20 gig 360's are still available for a bit at 299.99 Microsoft is getting smarter?
Just MGS4. Killzone 2, Resistance 2, and Socom will probably have a serious case of lag. Buying Bungie was very smart. But the E3 announcement thing was retarded. But at least Microsoft said that they will have a event just to Bungie's announcement.
Really? Where did you hear that? If its true, then it must be epic enough to warrant its own announcement party/ shindig.
Really? I read them at work cuz it's boring lol and there is never anyone in before 12. I didn't notice this. Is it the newest one? With wolfenstein on the cover and the RB article?
So it's in the batman one (there seemed to be a large gap between Infamous and Wolfenstein, but than batman is out already? I don't think they have a real schedule), where exactly is this article at? I'll buy it when I stop into work later.