This very vehicular orientated map on Foundry. With very intense game play this map includes a Hog room with a normal hog and a gauss.There is a vehicle square for the Hogs,chopper,ghost,and mongoose to roam free for high speed bone crunching splatters. The cross path through the middle of the square forms a cross and some safety from the raging vehicles. Although not complete protection, the ghost,chopper,and mongoose can fit in the cross path. Pictures: This room has a normal hog placed at start and a gauss hog after 180 seconds. This is part of the outer vehicle square This is the back of the vehicle Square This is part of the cross way that forms a cross Over view Recommended Game Types:Pipe Line plays best with a game of free for all swords.Turn on full vehicular use and turn off regenerating grenades. Supported Game Types:Slayer,King Of The Hill, Oddball,Juggernaut,Infection. Download Here
cool map i like the idea are u sure it isnt too small for that many vehicles? looks good and i like how the gauss comes in later gauss=pwnage
looks simple but real fun but it woud be better to turn the turrets around cause you wont get anyone where they are pointed now cause they lose LOS to fast so turn em around and dont spawn at start to prevent turret wars. but other than that the map looks good and it does look like a good swords map
is this a spin off the cod 4 map? I know it doesn't look anything like it but it just sound like it. Also it looks way to small for 2 warthogs and any other vehicles.
Im going to say the size of the hallways looks a little small it doesn't look like you can manuver the vehicles thats my suggestion for now is to enlarge the hallways
Looks neat, cool. Though i don't really like placing Gausses in an edited map, but that's just my opinion. I think you should place it at start and a NEVER respawn rate, due the fact that it's just too strong.
good idea, i like the structure. an outside view would be nice though. 4.5/5, seems like you could just get out and board people
This seems to small for vehicles and yet too open for humans. Overall, there's really nothing to this but about four or five hallways and a couple rooms. There's no wow factor and no real aesthetic touches and this is a really simple map. Overall, I'd say 5.2/10 and 3 stars but I'll get back to you after some playtests so I can really see the map.