| Demo for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed coming on August 21 on Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Network | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed The demo will include a tutorial mode to master the Force Grip power and a complete level of gameplay set in a TIE Fighter Construction Facility.May the force be with you.
It looks good.Heres a recent trailer; - Star Wars: Force Unleashed - World Exclusive Trailer HD
thanks for this i will be off my face on the 21st but the 22nd its getting download the trailer with the star destroyer rules all we need now is a new battlefront game they were amazing
The link someone gave at the top wasn't working for me, because I don't have the Plug-In necessary. Here's another link. I'm only afraid it will be a Button Mashing Game like, this one that, I actually, still have. It was in 2-D, and basically, it sucked. I know this one will be 3D, but I hope it's not the same style as that one.
Well, it was very good but it definitely is a game that is a lot more fun when you've played it for a while and can throw **** almost instinctively.
Cool, I'll have to check it out today. I'm all about throwing stuff around, even if it is button mashing. What the **** is wrong with you?
I played the Demo today. It was a total breeze on the Sith Lord difficulty. You are so insanely overpowered that the game was no challenge. I was pulling TIEs out of the air with my basic moves. You can blow away everybody in a half mile radius by holding down B. The AT-ST at the end was easy too.
Hey, I'm out of the country and without my xbox. Can anybody give a fairly good review on the demo? High points, low points, and all that jazz. Thanks
I played it as I thought a Sith Lord would, so I didn't run around or do force dash like a *****. I walked slow like a menacing motherfucker and did some nasty combos on their asses. If you do it that way, it's a bunch harder and a lot more fun.
I played the demo this morning, the gameplay was fun but... the lip syncing(spelling?) was horrible and so were the face movements. It was really fake but that might be just because I was just playing MGS4 lol.