Description: This map is mini game were one is infected and all the others are humans with one life. You have to try to make it to the end without getting shot to get a weapon and custom power-up to kill the zombie. Obviously this map was inspired by the Nintendo Duck Hunt game. Also there is nothing I could do about the zombie being able to hop trough the window panels but i did have an idea to fix it. i might do that in a V2. So just play with good people who wont jump out. Thanks for viewing this map Thanks to all who helped me test this map. Download Virtual Hunter Downloadd Duck Hunt edit: fixed links :d __________________________________________________ Screen Shots: Zombie Spawn 'Shooting Box 1' Zombie 'Shooting Box 2' Human Spawn Obstacle Run 1 Obstacle Run 2 [with 1 showing] Obstacle Run 3 [pallets behind wall] Obstacle Run 4 Ramp to final part Final Part Grap a Weapon! Then Grap the Custom Power-up and shoot him down!
True, but this version seems much cleaner and much more fun to play than those other crackpot-made dumpshits. This is very much better. By a lot.
There are tons of these maps, yes, but this one does seem a lot neater/better than the others I have seen. So good job.
yeah this is one of the better ones i have seen, i will download. good job. in relation to all of the other ones i have seen, this one wins. EDIT: LOL, DOWNLOAD LINK DOESNT WORK!!!!
i like it i love the game i am guessing its for duck hunt is it not any way i like looks really sweat and well made good job
i agree i like how this one actullly looks nice because all the ones i play on are just thrown together in like an hour
nice duck hunt map but i think that this has been way over done. sorry but ill have to give it a 2.5/5 because its been ovedone
i hate these maps!!! lol jk. actually, i do hate these maps, but his one seem really well made. trust me. ive seen some REALLY crappy ones. its like a breath on fresh air for these maps. despite my distaste for these maps, i'll give you a 4/5. keep it up
While this is defenitely not a very original concept, your map is executed nicely. The interlocking and geomerging are clean and neat. I agree with monkeyrantz here- in relation to the other ones that I've seen (and played,) this one deserves a steaming hot bowl of winsauce.
This is amazing better than anything I have played so far. Though, it looks like you can get out of the second shooting box (or well my friends could).
I agree it is much better made than all of the other duck hunt maps. You actually made the map good and a lot of fun. It is very well made it doesnt look like someone through a bunch of stuff around and named it.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: Silent OO Death =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Description: 3/5 Pictures: 4/5 Map Idea: 2/5 Map Quality {layout}: 4/5 Map Quality {looks}: 4/5 Comments: UNORIGINALITY ALERT, UNORIGINALITY ALERT. I'm tired of people making the exact same map like 10 times over. I don't care if you can make it better, make something new and exciting. Looks better than some of the ones I have seen and it incorporates some new ideas. Overall: 3/5 [Not the average but I cant go bellow 2 on map idea(lol)] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~~~~~~Silent Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.