Hey, This is the best map I've ever made I got inspired when I saw the featured map Ghost Golf: WH, which I highly recommend I asked him if he wanted to make a map with me but there was no response so I went on and started my own map by myself I hope you like it. The map also has a golf cart (Mongoose) which I forgot to take a pic of. The map consists of Driver's (Gravity Hammers) and Putters (Swords) The map has a Tee along with a Soccer ball as the Golf Ball. (As you can see there is a lot of choices on where you want to hit the ball think smart) This may be one of the paths you might have chosen, you will be rewarded with a slope but punished with a hill that may cause some problems. Both paths lead right here: Again: Here is the picture of how the par is marked, this hole is a Par 5 And the Last pic is what the map looks like from the outside: As you can see this map took some time and I really hope you enjoy it, as you can see it is Show but it can be played on, I really hope you enjoy it. There is no specific gametype to use for this map but which ever one you may wanna put unlimited ammo on. Special Thanks to: IVIr Brundogg for helping with this hole. Also If you are expierenced with forge and loved my map please hit me up because I am willing to make a 9 hole course, I just need a partner to do it with me Download HERE Please Comment And Criticize Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
i will make a hole in one. lol probably physically impossible but i shall be the first. ::downloading::
Not impossible lol just gotta know the ways of the map just try all different paths...the lowest Ive ever gotten is a 2...but we will see what you can do,also if anyone gets a Hole in one record it and send it to me I wanna see lol
Ill help you with 9 hole course if you want I am a pretty descent forger from what I can tell from people replying on my maps GT- Kilamanjara14
it looks cool, but in some of the pictures there are some stuff that are a tiny bit crooked, but still i say 4/5
Well thanks I was all by myself and I didnt feel like redoin everything... but where is there anything crooked in the pics?
and you accually used interlocking and stuff usually when a guy makes a mini game map the say *screw it its not saposed to be pretty* props for you for taking some time on it
Thanks it too a while, but people are pretty picky on this site, I guess some stuff was crooked, you have any idea how long it took to interlock all that
Ill make a hole in one. i will go into forge and carry the soccerball into the hole. no lol jk but ya great map. 5/5
This map looks good with all of the interlocking. Nice idea and it actually looks fun. I like the layout and floor and will download. 5/5 Keep Forging!
Hey I'm new to this site and I was looking for a fun map to play by myself. Your map just answered my cries. I almost got a hole in 4!. you have great, slick, clean fusions in your map. 5/5
it looks fun and i really like having 2 paths. a bit sloppy maybe a v2? or make a #3? great job. 4.5/5
This is a really cool map. I like the look of it. Here's my review: Aesthetics: The map looks good from the inside, which is good. It looks sloppy in some areas, but that won't greatly affect you. I like the use of the tee, thats a plus. But the map looks good, and inescapable, and thats good. Just fix some stuff up, but other than that, great looks. 7/10 Originality: Here is the bad news. This isn't very original. I've seen at least 20 golf maps, and Ghost Golf is by far the best. But you get a plus on the tee and the lights for the par. So i give originality a 5.5/10. Overall: I like the map, and its not too bad. Just work on another version, because you have potential. Sorry if I came off as harsh, but I was brutally honest. I would have scored you higher on originality had the map surpassed ghost golf. Overall score is a 6.25/10. Keep forging! -The golden Review
Pretter cool, but it looks like the area where the ball spawns, is exactly the same as the Ghost Golf. It's as if you just took that and built a course around it. And it does look more like a mini-golf course, but still, pretty cool.