I wouldnt put plasma RIFLES in, reason being in real paintball places, you cant use full auto guns, which means u cant just hold down the trigger. Where as with that wep you can.
Looks great! I want to have a game of this with someone, I have no friends on Live. PM the gamertag Your Mate Snipy right now if you want to have a quick game.
Yeah this is old school Shock Theta absolutely loves this one. If you get 2 good teams together it gets pretty intense. 1. cause there is no radar so you have your teamates telling you where the other guys are and 2. cause with one hit kills every time you kill somebody in a close range fight your heart always starts pounding cause you're afraid that his teamate is gonna be right around the corner. It's loads of fun
To each his own i suppose but i suggest you get a party together and try it out before you make that your final answer