Socom FTB2. Clan wars every week. Wow, that game brings back good memories... MLB 06: The Show was also amazing.
mlb 06 the show, i had that and nba 17, then i realize, why am i playing this, 360 is 1000000 times better.
I haven't used my PSP in a while but I remember playing Syphon Philter: Dark Mirror part 1 and 2 most of the time. Although I tried MLB 06 The Show and Killzone Liberation, I never really got into them as much as my friends did to tell you the truth. Both were great but I seemed to play Syphon Philter more.
GTA vice city stories. just like the 2nd on the ps2 except a little smaller and bigger in other areas (Nomo) like not as many buildings to enter and a few less weapons and cheats. But there is more vehicles and a big improvement - swimming. Also has a good story too.
Dude, I loved SOCOM FTB2. I was in XyO and many other 1st page clans if you ever visited Socom Arena...I fell asleep during a clan war once. I was a hacker too, but I never used em in wars or pretty much ever. I was only obsessed with hacking when I first learned how to or FTB2.
Exactly the same as yours dude! I play online on Socum: Fireteam Bravo and on Killzone Liberation! I'm decently good at Socum and Killzone but they are pretty fun to pick up and play! I've beaten Killzone Liberation like two times lol really good game!
Well... Starwars Battlefront 2 was great on the PSP, lots of replayability. But I just loved Lego Indiana Jones, even though it's only fun to beat once. Indy is my favourite. Can't get enough of adventure games, and finding those damn secrets.