A guy goes for a sword kill on someone wayyyyyyy in the distance only to be sniped by me mid-swipe Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Lol I never realized that you could take someone else's bulltrue by killing someone lunging at someone else. Nice sniping man.
lol i found this out before in a custom infection game on guardian, i threw a grenade across the map where a teammate was, and i got a kill, and a bulltrue, i was very surprised, and then in theatre mode i figured it out lol
no it wasnt staged, none of the screenshots i have posted are staged, but are either cool effects or unlikely events
lmao i have done that before, I WAS SO CONFUSED, but then i went to theater and laughed my ass off literally (it hurt)
Same, in a Halloween matchmaking infection I did that with a laser on Guardian it was awesome and really memorable lol!