I was running through campaign one day and I captured a funny picture. This is one of my most recent pictures: The poor brute is clearly frustrated with the camera man. It seems as if his microphone had caught fire and now the poor thing wants to blame somebody. Anyway, Here is the Downlaod link V2 Is Here!
Lol nice pic .. Its very simple to do but the little story is a nice touch .. =] The green version looks more like he is holding a microphone ! But i prefer V1 .. Nice job!
I'MMA...Wait...Throwin mah lazah..? No..That's not right. Oh well, whatever. I'MMA THROWIN' MAH LAZAH!!! Or, EAT MAH STICKEH!!
it kinda looks like the brute is trying to act buff d: he's all like, " look at that girlymann sparten, hez cant hurt me. he a gurlyman. " (hopefully you got that) haha but other than that its pretty funny. good pic! (ps. i spelt partan and he's wrong for a reason)
Haha I just saw Master Chief in the back of him... That makes it way more funny! hahahaha! Great job on this picture!
Ya the back story of the picture is really cool lol and master chief is in the back like shocked at the brute yelling lol nice job, very creative and original! 5/5 for just being plain funny!
lmao you should've posted YAHHHH in a bubble, like solja boys song, its stupid rididculous but the pic is hilariousss good find lol