Band Stage final version In an age where rock and roll rules, it is used wherever applicable... even in halo BAND STAGE Drummer Guitarists Singer OverView I have also done some remodeling, including Fan Bleachers A Garage A fence seperating the outside of the stage And a new waste disposal system Click Here to Download BAND STAGE
Cool. I agree you could do some cool special effects like blow up the fusion coils and throw stickies behind you.
Agreed that would be awesome, making this become some sort of mini game would be very cool and BTW very aesthetically pleasing! 5/5!
As many of these have been done, i like your singers pole lol, i think its a hammer, but you did a nice job putting it in that small hole to make it stay, props for that. Next time i suggest something a little more original
Dude nice map. This could be useful for one of those sing along machinima's. The microphone stand is a pretty tight idea. How long did it take you to make this? 5/5 and keep up the creative maps.
Wow those were some awesome instruments. The guitars and drums were done so well. One of the best band stages I have seen, good job.
this has been done before but atleast it's not a resturant. nice job man! the drummset and the mic stand are my favorite. you did a good job getting the guitars angled like that! keep on forging!
sweet i thought there too many stage maps but yours has instraments but you cant really do much else than take pictures so ill give it a 3/5
This is very original. I love the idea. I would suggest adding like some benches or something to sit on and watch the show though. 4.8/5.
My friend showed me a crappy version of a rock concert that he was going to use for a machinima. I'll have to show this to him.
Great job on this map! How long did it take you to make? This has very good aesthetics and people could make some really cool screenshots with it. 5/5 Keep Forging!
i really like this i love rock and role and that it would be nice if there was like a pub and some toilets there thought for even better aethetics