its an absolute biatch to work with - no geo merging (well, possibly "looks above"*) Save and quit and all the other usuals were all so familiar with nowadays. Does the map contest stop at pre DLC maps or are other less used DLC maps i.e Standoff, Rats nest, Cold Storage, Ghost Town -going to be used??
Well I'm sorry I'm losin ya. And only Pre-DLC maps will be used in this contest. Nothing that you download. Nada.
I have freakin soccer two a days for the rest of the week so I will try to get one done but It will be close. Please do this again though after this first one. I really like this idea
As school starts monday for me and I'll be fairly busy, I might only be in this one. But you will keep a special place in the next round for the winner yes? =P
Yeah, you may however find my completely cheap, I will message you the idea, you tell me if I should start over.
this is a cool contest but I have a trick up my sleave... I know how to interlock and geomerge movable objects. muahahahahaha
Oh, just so you know, there is a newer, official Map Submission Thread. There should be a link from the Pre-DLC Contest Info thread. if you cant find it just PM me, even tho its not hard to find. You must post your map there, other wise it won't be judged.