V2.0 IS HERE! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD! Someone please lock this. .: Description :. This map is based off of the campaign mission "Halo" from Halo: Combat Evolved. It is the part when you enter the cave and see a light bridge that you must activate. This is a replica of that light bridge and the surrounding area.This map was made by o Victim o and XxCRAZEDKILLAxX. Click here to download! Recommended Gametype: Assault/CTF .: Weapons :. Covenant Side - Carabine - Mauler - Plasma Rifle - Sentinel Beam - Beam Rifle Human Side - Battle Rifle - Shotgun - SMG - Pistol - Sniper Rifle Middle - Spartan Laser .: Features :. - Light Bridge - Death Pit - All Gametype Support - Great Gameplay .:Screenshots:.
From the looks of the pics it seems to be a little too open, but I'll get back to you with an updated opinion when I've had a chance to try it out.
it looks fun but i dont think theres enough places to hide or take cover. maybe make a second version
There are 2 falling fusion coils that are constantly exploding the others, but we are currently trying to find a cheaper way to make the death pit.
If anyone has any ideas of how we could save some money on this map for more bunkers and scenery, please let me know!
V2.0 of this map will be released sometime this week and it will feature more cover and other stuff. We already found a way to save over $100 and SOMEONE created objects outside the map during construction of the map. *COUGH*