I think it's suppose to be like that. it just has one focal point. I think its good, but would like to see it in colour.
Ya, i was considering doing that.... idk why i didnt , guess it looked good as is.. i prolly will tonight... hehe, the render was in black and white... (lol i cut it myself... its a pain in the butt!)
Hmm it's pretty good and as people have stated above it could have some changes. I like it I just don't really like Avenged Sevenfold.
mg:mg:mg:mg: SadFace. oh and mg: XD EDIT: and i was going to mess with the .psd and cut out sum of the neg space or fill it, just pretty much fiddle with it... buuuutttt i seemed to have, umm, "misplaced" it...
Thanks.. I'm almost finished with a new one , and imma give a side by side comparison and i want CnC on the new one xD.. well imma finish it up :happy: