An infection map made by faceplanter7774. For the game varient, u should give the zombies normal sheilds for fair gameplay. Humans start out in a little room with a hallway. Once you go down the hallway it will lead u to the main room. The main room has every single weapon in it. then there is another big hallway u go down which leads you to another small room where you can make your last stand. The game variant will come soon. Download Zombies!! here:
It looks like the generic forged zombie map, I see no reason to DL. Also, maps with every single weapon in them have a tendency to get old fast.
yeah sorry but it doesn't have any special twist to it or anything, i can make a map like that in less than an hour and nearly everyone has made one like that a cool twist would be that the better weapons lie out in the open so you have to expose yourself to the zombies in order to get something better than a magnumor something like that
thats y i said zombies should have sheilds in the description. if you dont like the weapons so much then ill just take some of them away.
A couple things: a) i like the idea about power weapons being out in the middle b) the thumbs up thing is cool c) your avatar is hilarious d) the map is fairly generic, but u probably already knew that.