Yep, you read right. Someone has gone and made a page about leet speek. It even has the Orthography of leet! Educate yourself about the 'leet' language at this page: Leet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Have fun with the epicness of leet speek. For those of you who know the language of leet, |=.( ).|2.9.£.|-|.(_).|3...|o.vv.|\|.$ Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Please move it if it is.
Wow, really? Not only do I find it odd that there are still people that can't read l33t, but I also find it pathetic that people have nothing better than to make a Wikipedia page about it. By the way, that says "ForgeHub owns". It's a bit awkward, though. most people just use spaces to show a separation of words, and nothing to show a separation of letters.
lol. the reaso i didn't use spaces is because i know that with one space it looks weird and with more than one space FH deletes all of the other spaces. that's why i used dots.
7l-l47 15 4 /V1[3 -71/Vl) lvl@/V! 1'1_1_ [-]4\/3 70 l_l53 7l-l47 [l-l427! =) Translation: That is a nice find man! I'll have to use that chart! =)
um...what the hell? Leet is rather wasteful, IMHO. Why would you take the time to type letters and weird symbols when you can just use words?