Okay I have ideas about how to make an H3 lockout feel like lockout. I'll need some good forgers cause I'll admit I'm not the greatest out there. If you are interested PM me and we can talk on XBL
There was already a thread for this, and that thread already failed, and the remake also failed, and most of the ideas have already been discussed here, and failed as well. So, in conclusion, this is a quadruple fail.
Just hear me out guys. You know how on other lockout maps there's ways to get out? Well how about we block most of those ways with the cages and cage walls. You can shoot through them. You could snipe someone across map through the cages and nobody would be able to get out of the map. It would feel just like the original.
Lol, but the "theres already a thread for this" counts as one fail, and last time i check 1+3=4 :squirrel_grouphug: But now that i add your fail (fail at counting fails), that would make it a quintuple fail... thats some pretty intense fail right there.
Well beside the fact that most remakes are an uber fail I throw out s suggestion. If you could possible make it floating over Standoffs little canyon thing so when you jump off the map you actually die, that would be awesome.
I think someone is/was trying to make it outside of the death barrier on Standoff, but they might have just meant the cliff
It is alot of fail Billy but this is just one thing that you must get used to in Forge Hub. OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND! fails. WHAT NINE THOUSAND! fails.
There have been many lockout remakes and none of them bring back the magic of lockout because of many reasons. I don't think it should be your primary interest to make a map that has been made many times before.