*~Pipeline(v1.1)~* 2v2thru4v4 V1.1 Changes: Rockets moved to shotty location. Bubble Shield moved to alcove. Carbines removed. Shotty removed. Needler removed. Turret respawn time increased. Interlocking polished off. "LOCATION: Exxon-Mobil Oil Transfer Facility, Voi. STATUS: Abandoned." Pipeline has been long in the works, and I am at the point where I can say this is my most functional and beautiful map yet. Here`s a quick overview: Pipeline is designed for FFA, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4. It is a small map, making for hectic, yet organized, gameplay. There`s always a method to the madness here- Learn the flow of the game, and you`ll succeed. With no more to say, the pictures: Weapons/Features List: --------------------------------- Depot Area (Defender`s base): --------------------------------- Battle Rifle x2 Sniper rifle x1 Assault Rifle x1 SMG x2 Shotgun x1 (no extra clips, 1.5min respawn) Plasma Nades x2 Spike Nades x1 Frag Nades x2 Spiker x1 Plasma Rifle x1 carbine x1 Machine Gun x1 Trip Mine x1 Exploding Barrels x3(Very dangerous, automatically destroy turret+operator if triggered) -------------------------------- Pipe Area (Attacker`s base) -------------------------------- Battle Rifle x2 Sniper rifle x1 Assault Rifle x1 SMG x2 Needlerx1 Carbine x1 Plasma Nades x2 Spike Nades x1 Frag Nades x2 Spiker x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Rocket Launcher x1 (no extra clips, 2 min. respawn) -------------------------------------------------- Extras/Easter Eggs -------------------------------------------------- Flamethrower x1 Warthog x1 Author Signature Easter Egg: Find it for an e-cookie. DOWNLOAD, COMMENT, ENJOY!
Nice but more pics would be better, 3.75/5 for the moment, Make a V2 and turn the bridges upside down. It makes thing look a lot neater.
I kept the bridges facing certain ways for a more aesthetic touch... Like the central one in the pipes. But if it bugs a lot of people, I`ll glady change it...
your pics dont give a whole lot to see and that top diagram of the map confusing(it might be just me) but ill dl anyway ust to try
Yeah, I think the diagram isn`t as helpful as others, because it`s hard to see the layout without playing in the map.
Well first off, let me say Hi. Now onto your map, the pics tell me nothing sorry if you want I can get some better pics for you. The diagram confuses me, so I am not sure what the map is like. Seeing how heard about in the stromers I will download it.
Looks good, but slightly crooked in places, a V2 perhaps? Im just talking about the fence wall and the up ramp bridge. I like what youve done with the bridges - dont flip 'em. It's good to do a paint picture of the maps overview and layout - but its blaringly obvious that you've made a mistake on the first line. Shotgun - 5 shots. hmmm, shotties have 6. Its just a small mistake but first impressions count. Other then that you've accomplished somthing very nice here. Well done.
After a forge through, I found that it is very sloppy. I hate sloppy, the map is interesting the idea is pretty odd. Not how I would picture a oil pipeline map the thing that threw me off was the telepoters. When I went down the hole and teleported I thought" that's odd for a map like this." The map has to many weapons for a map that small, so if you plan to make a v2 straighten it out and loss some of the weapons.
Woah dude this looks cool. I like how at the beginning or outer edge of the map it is open but once you get inside it is all enclosed and close-quarters. I do see a little bit of sloppiness though, which I do not like, so overall, 4/5.
Yeah. I was a bit dissatisfied with some of the parts just before release, but I wanted to get it out before people forgot about it... As for weapns, I thin k I agree. I could take out the Carbines and a couple of SMGs. I`ll keep the rocket, though, considering there`s only two shots... Anyways, I`ll start working on v2 for everybody. I really like the hole, though. It gives a sort of cinematic feel to going between the bases, so I think I`ll keep it.
**MAP UPDATE- V1.1** I`ve removed a few weapons, moved the rockets, increased the turret spawn time, and polished off some annoying areas interlocking-wise.