There were requests that this be done so here it is. Its a tutorial of my current sig. .psd upon request.
Very well done. I like how you emphasized flow (which many users here seem to completely ignore) <3 +rep
Nice tutorial. I was wondering though, what exactly do clipping masks do and when is it best to use them?
A clipping mask is like a layer mask in which the layer you click it on will become the layer mask for the layer down below. I'm not sure if I explained that right, but you get the general idea.
TDH, they can sort of make the outer part of the sig become merged with the focal. And Zero, thanks for the tutorial, I can easily convert this to GIMP. And ill post my outcome soon.
I don't quite get the clipping mask stuff either. How do you make the squares or whatever for it anyway? Nice tutorial, though. I'll post an outcome tomorrow. Just a question, no offense but why is everyone afraid of people ripping their tuts? Most people don't look at who made it, they just follow it and be done with it
ya, i agree. Sigs without flow are hard to look at. Everything is going in different directions. Clipping masks are just an added effect. Not really a best time for use. Here is a quick explanation of what it is. i want a clipping mask of this shape. with this effect behind it. this is the result. around 500x7500 idunno, it just sucks to know if someone stole your work and platinum, that looks nice. I would suggest flipping the clipping mask, follow the flow.
Another way to make borders like that are to make a new layer, hit CTRL + A, go to Edit > Stroke. That's easy. There are two ways. 1) Go to and find a tech brush set. Most of them will have a brush that can make lines like that. 2) Make a text layer and type out whatever you want and then put the text to its smallest size. If it's still too big, then right click the text layer and rasterize it. Then, go to Edit > Free Transform and then hold SHIFT down and while holding shift, resize the layer and make it smaller.