Try playing around in sketchup, its free, in depth, fully functional, and noob-friendly. I made an entire (for the most part) house is under 2 hours: [youtube]rJcMe1OFBRQ[/youtube] Or some more in depth objects (drawn to the nearest 20th of a millimeter): [youtube]tH364OReW9A[/youtube] *Note that I have the Pro version, but everything shown here can be done in the free version *edit: Typos FTL
I used 3ds Max 9 for a bit to do some haloz stuff and i did some tutorials from the site. I'm sure that maya would have some inbuilt tutorials and such. or if not just go to their webpage.
I use cheetah 3D for fun sometimes :squirrel_chatting: is that anything like Maya? :squirrel_eyebrow: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Most likely it was Max. Max and Maya are both made by Autodesk but only Max is avaliable on Windows. And Bungie, being owned by Microsoft while making Halo, probably used Windows.
Yeah, blender was nice to play around with. Here is a model I made that resembles the MAC stations seen in Halo 2, took me about 3 hours. The firing animation is there if the download link still works. I like sketchup but I don't really see the use for it other then tinkering unless you go pro. Easy to use and learn though.
Oops. Sorry. I got that backwards. Max is just for Windows. Maya is for both. It doesn't matter. Maya and Max are almost exactly the same. If you know one, you'll learn the other really quickly.