Does anyone like the Metalcore band August Burns Red. I've been getting into them lately and their music is the perfect balance between heavy vocals and amazing breakdowns. The Seventh Trumpet. Composure
Breakdowns? doesn't seem like something that i'd be into. i don't venture into the metal music too much. i usually stick to rock. i'd listen to their music, but sound doesn't work on this computer.
Hey, looks like your new here. I think this thread looks like it belongs in the off Topic catagory. You can PM a mod to get it moved and stuff. Maybe not PS: If you have any questions about how stuff works around here, Just PM me PSS: I'll check it out
I saw some band discussions here. I was really torn between the two forums. If a mod sees fit, they can move or close it. Murdok, Does metal kill your bass speakers?
You may not believe me but my sister's sixth grade teacher's nephew is in that band. But I kinda get tired of screaming music.
no. my sound is just screwed up. beyond repair. actually i could run through help & support and fix it in a few minutes, but i'm always to busy (on FH)
I don't think screaming in a song is an expression of enthousiasm... It's fail. It makes the song fail and it just ruins the understanding of original music. I think heavy metal is not any close to real music, real actuall music. Don't get me wrong it's just my opinion.
Actually, I do like one metal band, I do like metallica, they don't scream lol, and some of theyre songs are rediciously awesome. Take for example, Whiskey in The Jar. Or One. **** like that. Further I dun like Metal.
It's not heavy metal. I can understand the lyrics. You have to listen to lyrics instead of going " lol that guys screaming." Just try holding your voice like that for more than 45 seconds. I garuntee you it's extremely difficult. And listen to the drums and guitar riffs. Saying something isn't music because you dislike the genre is silly. But your opinion is your opinion.
It IS heavy metal, but it's not Skream Metal or Deatmetal. Those are the major cataagories that are hard to understand.
No, Screamo seems to be what he's talking about. Now that's something where the lyrics aren't coherent. I always like any kind of metal because of the guitar, bass, and drums. My equalizer is set for lyrics to be quieter because if I want a catchy song I'll listen to pop (LOL). The only kind of metal I hate is the kind of stuff Trivium does. It's pansy metal. And it sucks.
Dude August Burns Red FREAKING ROCKS! There A Christian Metal Band. And what you call "Screaming music" is called Screamo. But anyway ABR Rocks! I love the song Redemption. And if you look at the lyrics of the song it'll show you how christian they are. ;]
Ew Christian Metal. Just as I was thinking about 'acquiring' some of their songs. Something about Christianity and Metal don't mix. Maybe it's because I listen to Slayer and other "angry" metal bands.
Wow you ****ing idiots dont know a goddamn thing about metal at all. You are the clowns that are ruining metal. I hope you get your faces stomped in at the next show you go to. Oh wait, thats right, there arent any pits at these ***** ass bullshit shows anyway.
i like bands of this genre, and these guys are alright, but they arent one of the ones who excite me. please... go educate yourself in music. bands that scream arent all classified as "screamo". Emo bands with screaming is Screamo... hence the name.